Hair color problems


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Nov 19, 2013

Emily H.

So I went from blonde to a medium brown, the color faded so quickly, do you think I should do a far brown and would it look alright with my skin tone.

Nov 19, 2013

Emily H.

Here shows how it has faded.

Nov 19, 2013

Emily H.

Thanks velen! Do you think a plain brown or something with a color tint to it?

Nov 19, 2013

Veronica E.

I think your hair looks PURRFECT with your skin tone :•)

Nov 19, 2013

Emily H.

Thanks I like it.

Nov 19, 2013

Annmarie K.

It faded because your hair is pourous. When you color use 2 parts color and 1 part developer to deposit color. Also use a filler prior to color and make sure your using good products. Ideally going to a salon would be best. My hair was platinum then I went red so I endured pink hair luckily was working in a salon where professionals could fix it. IMO the color looks great. I like Velen!s suggestion but if you grab something off a drugstore shelf with no knowledge of bases could end up with mot a great result and color correction is expensive.

Nov 19, 2013

Emily H.

I never do drug store products I have never even tried coloring my own hair I always go to the salon I would me to scared to do it myself 😁😳

Nov 19, 2013

Annmarie K.

That's good too! I know my

Nov 19, 2013

Mary T.

The hair is lacking the underlining pigment for that deep of brown. You would first have to use a semipermanent toner on the hair with a reddish orangish color (depending on exact color) then remove. Then do the color brown you want. Or you could wing it and do a color with a little more warm tones.