Help!! Any good spot tips?


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Nov 18, 2013

Holly L.

My sister has a very big and very painful spot on her chin. It's not red and doesn't have a head it looks more like a boil than a spot but shes had It for two weeks now and its driving her insane any ideas how to get rid of it? Plus any spot treatments for the normal little spots you get would be great! I heard putting a hot compress on works well but I haven't tried it yet.

Nov 18, 2013

Veronica B.

Usually the only thing that will REALLY work is going to a dermatologist who will inject the area with something that makes it go away in 24 hours. I've had it done a couple times. And a hot compress actually isn't good because it burns the skin I heard.

Nov 18, 2013

Gemma D.

Put toothpaste on it and keep it on overnight while you sleep. I know it sounds crazy but it really does work. you will notice a huge difference in the morning when you wash it off. I do it wen I get a spot and its never let me down :-)

Nov 18, 2013

Danny C.

That sounds like cystic acne. sorry to say no amout of product is likely to help. you have to wait it out (takes forever to go away) or have her go get it injected at the derm. as for reg little pimples there's a ton of stuff out there anything w salicylic acid, benzo peroxide etc. no need to use toothpaste

Nov 18, 2013

Holly L.

Okay I will try these thankyou! And I don't think she would be up for an injection I'd think she would rather wait it out haha

Nov 18, 2013

Shumi C.

You could try dabbing tea tree oil on the spot. Rubbing ice works too, although I'd wrap it in some tissue as it can be a bit too cold 😁

Nov 18, 2013

Kristina M.

Ok so I used to get those really bad a while really sucked. I did end up going to the derm for some sulpher (don't think that is how it's spelled but you get the picture) cleanser to get my acne under control. It calmed down my face and after that I would use tea tree oil on my under the skin bumps, they go away faster and after a while they are way smaller when they pop up. That's what worked for me. I wouldn't suggest getting a shot in the face because I've had one on my stomach and it left a small dent...wouldn't want that on my face at all! Even if it's just a chance that could happen, I wouldn't want it.

Nov 19, 2013

Preeti P.

try retino ac