At what age did you start wearing makeup?


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Depends on what I consider starting. But I got my first set of basics at 16. Before that I only had a few things that I put on when I needed to dress up...mascara, eyeliner, basic stuff. I only started wearing makeup regularly at 18.

Feb 21, 2013

Sabrina S.

I started at 12 years old with only brown mascara and as I got older I added more, So at 13, it was black mascara and blush, with the occasional eye shadow for special events. But now I wear mascra, blush, BB cream and lip balm everyday.

Feb 22, 2013

Emily B.

I started wearing makeup when I was 11. Granted, I wasn't allowed by my mom, so I would sneak it to school and put it on there... But still! She finally actually said that I could wear makeup when I was 12 or 13. I'm 18 now, and while I'm still learning everyday, I've gotten a LOT better & am proud of my skills!

Feb 25, 2013

Jennifer P.

I started regularly wearing makeup when I was 12 - 13, and my mom would kind of help me. I mainly put on lipgloss, eyeliner, mascara, and occasionally eyeshadow. I didn't start wearing foundation and putting on heavier amounts of makeup until I was about 16.

Feb 26, 2013

marcella e.

Lipgloss when I was 13 or 14.