Does not using heat on your hair really help it grow?


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Nov 15, 2013

Sophia G.

Does it?

Nov 15, 2013

Victoria S.

In my opinion no, it just makes the hair that has already grown less damaged

Nov 15, 2013

Symone B.

I agree with Victoria. You hair now doesn't automatically become any less damaged than it is. Doesn't make it healthier either if you don't take care of it (deep conditioning, hair masks, etc)

Nov 15, 2013

Sheyenne K.

Yes! I use to straighten my hair almost everyday last year but then I stopped around April or so and it has grown a lot!

Nov 15, 2013

Rebecca B.

Yes and no. Using no heat means less breakages so your hair will stay long.

Nov 16, 2013

Llesenia S.

Exactly what Rebecca said!

Nov 16, 2013

Aleigha G.

No it doesn't. But be sure ti use heat protectant. I really like fructice.

Nov 16, 2013

Jeannie J.

Depending on your hair. I haven't used heat since summer when I got a pixie bob. its only grown an 1 1/2. whereas when I was in 2nd grade I cut of all my hair in summer and it was down to my waist by xmas.

Nov 16, 2013

Mara S.

I stopped using heat on my hair over the summer and it helped my hair become healthier and grow longer!

Nov 16, 2013

Isabel M.

No, but I does make it more healthier.

Nov 16, 2013

Devon R.

Depends if its damaged or not, if its damaged and brittle then yeah avoided heated appliances will help your hair a lot but if you have reasonably healthy hair then no it will take a lot more to stop it from growing.

Nov 17, 2013

CPT- Lili R.

I agree with victoria I hardly use heat and honestly my hair hasn't grown its just less damaged

Nov 17, 2013

Keri T.

It doesn't help grow your hair but it prevents your hair from getting split ends so your ends won't fall out. it will also make your hair healthier and stronger as the cuticle won't be damaged unless you use harsh chemicals on it. but make sure you have your ends cut first if your going to straighten it less:)

Nov 18, 2013

Shaye M.

I think so, yes! :) Since having a bad haircut I havent started using heat again until about two weeks ago as its been about 4 months since my haircut and my hair is growing ALOT quicker than it used to and is a lot softer from not using heat as regularly. :)

Nov 18, 2013

Vivienne T.

It can help, heat can slow hair growth. Castor oil works for growth. And make sure to maintain the health and moisture of your hair using hydrating hair masks, like the Moroccan argan oil hair mask from the Pro Naturals hair repair system, it really helps.

Nov 19, 2013

Jessica S.

I haven't put any heat on it for a a month, and my hair has never grown so fast! I don't mean that is the reason, but not putting heat after a hair cut has really made my hair less damaged. I put good care into it and focus on good ingredients to drench it in.

Nov 19, 2013

Jamie D.

No. It makes it healthier so it will seem longer and have less breakage, but it doesn't actually make it grow because most heat isn't applied straight to the roots, where the growing actually happens. The only heat that most people apply to the roots of their hair is blow drying. When you blow dry, just use a heat protectant and a leave in conditioner. But all in all, heat causes damage and breaking, but it doesn't stop growth.

Sophia G.

Colorado Springs, CO