Any serial eyebrow waxing offenders out there?


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Aug 30, 2013

Bianca P.

As a young teen I waxed the crap out of my brows and am really regretting it now. I have to wax them 3 times a week because the hairs that I do not want grow so quick and yet I get none in the tail where I need them :(
Anyone else in the same boat?

Aug 30, 2013

Bonnie W.

Aha how about serial pluckers? omfg my eyebrow were so uneven but I couldnt touch them anymore or else they'll disappear. you know when you do on eyebrow and it ends up being thinner than the other but when you do the other it becomes the thinner one? so you go back and forth until you have no more eyebrows left -,-"
NEVER making that mistake again

Aug 30, 2013

Bianca P.

Hahahah oh gosh that sounds like my mum!! I remember every day when I was a kid she was always plucking away with the same problem lol. I wish we knew then what we know now!!
Do you have any troubles with them growing back these days Bonnie??

Aug 30, 2013

Amber R.

Yes!! But I was a plucker. When I was in school the trend was to pluck the hell out of your brows. Totally regret it. I have to pencil mine in eye day :(

Aug 30, 2013

Amber R.

Every day*

Aug 30, 2013

Bonnie W.

Ahh no..I'm okay now :) I grew them in row by row :) but your eyebrows are amazing! you are stunning! simply gorgeous x

Aug 30, 2013

Bianca P.

Lucky you Bonnie!! So glad that you were able to grow them back in :) I'm still hoping that I can one day get them back lol. Thank you so much that's really really kind of you!! Took me a while to get the shape right with powder but I'm pretty happy with how they turn out most of the time just wish I had some good hair under there lol.

Aleighnna it sucks hey!! I just checked out your pics and you fill them in really well!! What do you use??

Aug 31, 2013

Rhi C.

Ugh, unfortunately I was one of those girls that used to shave off their eyebrows and draw them on in high school! Awful! They grew back but I learned my lesson the hard way!

Sep 1, 2013

Bianca P.

Hahaha the things we do hey rhi!! I did have a giggle at that lol. So lucky they grew back :)

Bianca P.

Newcastle, Australia