What are these bumps?!


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Aug 29, 2013

Sarah M.

These are not bug bites, there is no itch or anything. It is all over my body, just like this. I've had chickenpox before so its not that. it showed up a few days ago on my face and now its all over my body.

Aug 29, 2013

Sarah M.

Its not acne either. they look just like bug bites.

Aug 29, 2013

Danny C.

Could you be having an allergic reaction to something. are you using something new on your skin or new detergent?

Aug 29, 2013

Carliza B.

If you have oily hair it could be from it touching your skin. or if you even touch your face a lot.

Aug 29, 2013

Sarah M.

I did buy a new laundry soap like, 2 weeks ago. and a new coconut body wash the other day. it could be one of those!

Aug 29, 2013

Raylene I.

Looks like hives to me. There's soooo many things that can cause a breakout, that it's hard to figure out what caused them. Try some Benadryl, if it started on your face it might be stress induced. Just to be safe I'd see my gp.

Aug 29, 2013

Kirsten B.

Are you using Dial coconut water body wash? I recently switched to that and I have a rash.

Aug 29, 2013

Danny C.

I'd stop using both you could just stop one at a time see which it is will tale longer though. try some hydrocortisone cream should help a lot. don't over do it on your face though

Aug 29, 2013

Lorelle E.

If its hot it could be heat rash

Aug 29, 2013

Sarah M.

Its nivea coconut body scrub/wash.. it seemed to be fine the first few times I used it, but it could just be catching up with me now. Thanks for everyone's feedback! I will get it under control soon enough! lol.

Aug 29, 2013

Klaire V.

That happened to me like 3 months ago... Except all over my body... It was really bad! Especially on my face, elbows and knees.. All night I was uncomfortable and even had a fever, and I woke up in the morning to go pee.. Looked in the mirror and freaked out! Went to the doctor's2 immediately and he told me I had a severe allergic rash. But I hadn't bought anything new or ate anything different. I had to take some pills and get 4 injections.. My boyfriend had to spend about $80 on them. And the rash would go away around 3pmish.. and then I'd wake up like that again.. So I even changed my bedspread and sheets. -.- And got worse when I was exposed to the sun so I had to stay indoors. It lasted about a week and it REALLY sucked. :/ And I'll never know why it happened. Haha.

Aug 29, 2013

Sarah M.

Omg that's horrible klaire!! I have a few spots on my sides and belly too.. it hasn't bothered me at all. like, they are just there. I hope it doesn't turn into anything worse!

Aug 30, 2013

Stephanie M.

Definitely looks like an allergic reaction of some sort. If you're using a new product, that could be what's causing it.

Aug 30, 2013

Klaire V.

Luckily, it isn't uncomfortable. But you should definatley get them checked out and discontinue your new products until it's better. It WAS horrible. I couldn't keep from sctraching and I couldn't sleep/lay down/sit without my back and butt getting all red too hahaha and talk about annoying fever syptoms :/ This is from like the third day.. They kept popping back up every morning..

Aug 30, 2013

Raylene I.

@klaire v. My son is like that too. It's wry random ad then all of a sudden he's got huge red splotches all over. It almost looks like someone's proud hot water on him. My dr called them plates. It's a type of hive, but there could be soooo many causes for them that it's really hard to figure it out. He's only 3 so he never had injections but they've given him enough Benadryl as a head dose to knock him out for a day. :( poor guy. Our dr thinks it might be stress or anxiety. When your stressed our core temp increases bringing out the rash. But he seems happy a lot of the time so I don't know. Glad your better now though. And that sucks, $80?? I'm in Canada and have free health care.

Aug 30, 2013

Klaire V.

I'm from California but I'm currently in Mexico and you know health care isn't that cheap here. Each injection cost over $20 (about 250 pesos here in Mexico) and they were 4. And in addition the pills.

Aug 30, 2013

Klaire V.

But those were around $10. Idk why it happened, I've gotten rashes before, just not as bad as this. That's why I freaked out. Maybe his skin is really sensitive?

Aug 30, 2013

Pea T.

It seems allergic reaction to me too: I started having these when I was a teenager. Then I finally figured out it was allergies triggered by food additives and preservatives. Cut back on processed food, eat as healthy as you can with plenty of water, fresh fruits and veggies. Green tea also helps sometimes the detox: both by drinking and topical application.
Also, allergies show often an additive effect: if you use a new soap that gives you allergies, your body will be more probe to allergic reaction to other things too (from pollen to nickel, soda, or a detergent you might have been using for years.
Definitely see a dermatologist, but the best person to figure out what is causing this is YOU :)

Aug 30, 2013

Melissa P.

Those are defiantly hives. It could be from the new soap or pretty much anything really. I get them from some food and soap I'm allergic to as Well as when I'm sick or stressed. I would just take some benadryl for a day or so and they should subside. wear loose clothes and don't touch them because it could irritate them making them look worse. I'd stop using the body wash and see If they stop.

Aug 30, 2013

Sarah M.

Thanks girls!! I appreciate all of your feedback and tips!

Sep 2, 2013

Brooke P.
