Hair problems??


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Aug 29, 2013

Izzy V.

I need some hair help. I want to grow it long and at the moment it's bra strap length and I want to grow it down to my waist... Thing is it really damaged and I want to know what I could do to make it grow faster and how long will it take??

Aug 29, 2013

Carliza B.

How is it damaged?? deep condition weekly and use natural oils in your hair like coconut, olive, and jojoba oil (make sure they are organic or extra virgin for the best results). massage those oils into hair daily and hang upside for 4 mins (it's proven to work). hair grows approx. 1/2 in a mon=6 in a yr.

Aug 29, 2013

Carliza B.

And limit use of direct heat on hair.. hooded dryers are fine though since they are indirect.

Aug 29, 2013

Hannah J.

Limit heat use and try macadamia hair products and deep conditioners and hair masks. Try giving yourself a scalp massage everyday!! It really works but listen to all that crap online about putting eggs in your hair and stuff... It's dumb. Just let it grow naturally and also don't brush it when it's wet!! Only use a wide toothed comb:)

Aug 29, 2013

Hannah J.

*don't listen..

Aug 29, 2013

Alannah B.

My hair is down to my butt and all I do is use herbal essences hello hydration shampoo and conditioner. Also, I don't use any heat and I have no split ends. If you do though, get a trim and apply castor and coconut oil twice a week. It makes it grow really fast I've heard.