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Aug 26, 2013

Selene L.

My mom doesn't let me wear makeup because she doesn't and if I tell her that I really want to wear makeup my mom will tell my ENTIRE family and they will start embarrassing me. so what should I do??

Aug 26, 2013

Halle C.

How old are you?

Aug 26, 2013

Isabella K.

You see, I wish my mom hadn't let me wear makeup. It would've ruined my skin if I hadn't taken such good care of it, and I promised myself I would only wear makeup again on freshamn year.

Aug 26, 2013

Halle C.

You can take the embarrassment or just wait until your mom thinks you can :)

Aug 26, 2013

Isabella K.

Honestly, it is your choice and the rest of your family shouldn't be bothering you about it. Just ignore.

Aug 26, 2013

Isabella K.

Yeah just be urself.

Aug 27, 2013

Emily H.

Please don't give advice for kids to disobey their parents, the best thing for you to do is sit down with your mom and explain how you feel and that you don't want to be embarrassed and let her know you want the conversation to stay between the two of you. If she still says no honor what she says.