Beauty Mark Suggestions


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Aug 26, 2013

Victoria B.

I have had this beauty mark my whole life and have grown to like it.. but when I wear make up it looks like dirt on my face. I'm stuck between wanting to cover it all the way up or to accent it.

you can see it in the picture bellow. its to the left by the bridge of my nose.

should I accent it or cover it!?
How would I go about doing either or? I don't know how to accent and foundation doesn't cover it enough. Thanks ladies!

Aug 26, 2013

Desiree M.

Accent/accept it! Just wipe your foundation off of it with a qtip babe! If you truly want it darker you may use eyeliner just make sure it isn't going to smudge. I'd just wipe the foundation off though:)

Aug 26, 2013

Patricia P.

I can't really see it your right cheek just looks rosey.

Aug 26, 2013

Victoria B.

It is a little hard to see.. its the brown dot on the left of my nose. ill see if I can find a better picture.

Aug 26, 2013

Victoria B.

It doesn't seem to show well in pictures,but its much darker in person.

Aug 26, 2013

Victoria B.

This one is a little better.

Aug 26, 2013

Victoria B.

Thank you so much for the info Desiree! I never thought about just wipe the foundation off, I just kept thinking about an eye liner but also thought the eye liner would smudge or I would do it way too dark and look strange. I always make things way more complicated than they have to be :)

Aug 26, 2013

Victoria B.

Thank you for the compliment Beaut :)

Aug 26, 2013

Desiree M.

You're welcome, Victoria, glad to help! :)

Aug 26, 2013

Naomi S.

Girl its cute!!.
don't put any foundation on it. let it show.. cute stuff!

Aug 27, 2013

Patricia P.

The pink on your cheek right? Just add some blush to even it out on both sides.

Aug 27, 2013

Victoria B.

No mamm, I am referring to the freckle thing on the side of my nose.

Aug 27, 2013

Victoria B.

You ladies have been so helpful! I will be sure to post an updated picture :)

Aug 27, 2013

Kathryn L.

Accent it for sure! its super pretty. Do you think it looks like dirt, or have others voiced that? Again, we are our own worst critics. By accenting yeah I would really just avoid foundation on that spot.

Aug 27, 2013

Emma L.

I have one of them in my brow! My gran used to tey wash it of with her finger! Haha I would look strange without it, make us unique all these beauty marks.,

Aug 28, 2013

Victoria B.

Kathryn- I have only had one person, think that it was dirty.. but it was enough to make me start second guessing, if fI should cover it up on not. Thank you for the advice!

Emma- what a cute story!! and your right it does make uss unique! :)

Aug 28, 2013

Patricia P.

Oh that things so tiny I wouldnt worry about it.