Ganglion Cyst


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Aug 26, 2013

Kimberley D.

I know this is a little different but has anyone ever had one?

Aug 26, 2013

Alex A.

I had one in april!

Aug 26, 2013

Kimberley D.

Do they go green? or could be green/black?

Aug 26, 2013

Alex A.

Noo it just would bulge out on my wrist, and it was painful and I had to have a cast for a month and it didnt go away and then I had ultrasounds and mris' but it went away on its own like 2 months later but they can come back easily!

Aug 26, 2013

Kimberley D.

Ohh my doctor thinks I have one but mines a hard green lump under the skin been there for about a month & have to go back in 2 weeks if its still there but its causing me a lot of pain. yeah I saw on insta of ganglioncysts, thats good :) hope it doesn't come back.

Aug 26, 2013

Kimberley D.

that's mine

Aug 26, 2013

Jaden C.

Yeah I have one on my wrist, they go away if you break them (being slammed against something hard) but I had left over scar tissue and now the mobility of my wrist is compromised & blah blah blah. You will probably just want to get it surgically removed.

Aug 26, 2013

Kimberley D.

So does it look like a ganglion cyst to you? & ouch!!

Aug 26, 2013

Bella L.

I have one on my foot and it gets swollen every time I use my foot to much and gets painful after too much use.

Aug 26, 2013

Kimberley D.

Yeah my thumb is a tiny bit swollen is yours like a greenish colour?

Aug 26, 2013

Molly S.

I had one. That doesn't look like one to me, mine was larger and on my wrist, but your doctor would know best :)

Aug 26, 2013

Kimberley D.

Yeah thats what I thought but then I read they can start like pea size but just don't know if they can be green hahahaha yep thats true :)