Problematic Skin! Please Help Me!


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Sep 8, 2013

Brittany S.

Okay, so I have acne and it's bad at times and then it'll calm down. I go to a dermatologist and they have me on clindymicin lotion and differen gel and it's just not working on my skin! they told me to use cetaphils gentle skin cleanser twice a day but I only use it in the morning and to give my skin and really deep clean I use saint ives green tea scrub at night. I've been told to use the differen gel every other night and when I do that it's like my face breaks out more and I've been doing this for maybe 6 months so I've been trying to use it every night and when I do it drys out my skin so I have to stop that and use lotion which causes my skin to become 10x more oily and breakout more! I went to Lush and got their Ocean Salt scrub and I've started using that but I just don't feel like that's going to work for me. I have really tough skin and I just want something that's going to work for me. Any suggestions? :) by the way, I can't use anything with benzoyl peroxide cause my skin is really sensitive to it, lucky me..

Sep 8, 2013

Natalie Y.

I would listen to the dermatologist. Sometimes acne gets worse before it gets better. If things don't get better within a few months maybe try a different dermatologist.:)

Sep 8, 2013

Kitty K.

If you're going to a dermatologist then that's the best advice you probably have, not an internet forum where no one here has even personally seen you! lol.
If you want to try different products/remedies than speak to your dermatologist. Instead of telling the Beautylish community about how you feel, tell your dermatologist.

Sep 8, 2013

Hanna R.

I wouldn't recommend using the scrub every day, it will keep infected pores open if you use it too often. Every few days is more than enough and it gives your skin some time to heal. I have oily skin as well, and my esthetician recommended dermalogica's sebum clearing mask. Instead of applying it and washing it off like it said it the directions, she told me to spread a thin layer and leave it on overnight. That product has been a lifesaver, and I no longer wake up with oily skin. Also, make sure you're changing your pillowcase frequently. I use a separate towel for my face as well, and I try my best to refrain from touching my face. Best of luck to you!

Sep 8, 2013

Brittany S.

Thanks everyone ^.^ and I'm probably going to switch dermatologists

Sep 9, 2013

Shauna S.

Hello! Honestly dermatologists don't know everything, you know your skin best. I am extremely allergic benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid which is commonly used for fighting acne. I highly recommend Simple Skincare products. I use their gel cleaner, toner, and light moisturizer. It will make you skin less oily and it's sooooo gentle. It's the only skincare line that hasn't broke me out, give it a try.