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Sep 8, 2013

Melanie P.

So I start school tomorrow and I don't know what to do for my makeup. Include pics if you like
Btw I'm wearing this , its a uniform


Sep 8, 2013

Melanie P.

Btw I look like this

Sep 8, 2013

Neely M.

What I would do is go for brown liner and a neutral shimmery look for the eyes (and you can't forget that mascara! And to highlight inner corners) also you could use a peachy blush as eyeshadow for a simpler, more cohesive look. For the lips, I would use a tinted balm to hydrate and add color.

Sep 8, 2013

Emily B.

I would just do a simple eyeliner with concealer

Sep 8, 2013

Symone B.

I feel like you've posted this a lot but here you go.

Sep 8, 2013

Polly T.

This would look amazing

Sep 8, 2013

Theo V.

agree with Polly

Sep 8, 2013

Kilsia F.

Maybe Polly's idea but without the blue eyeliner. It's a little too much for school in my opinion.