How much do you spend on makeup?


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Aug 4, 2012

Diana S.

I know some people spend tons of money on makeup! And some spend a little bit of money. I mostly buy my makeup at drugstores cause they have pretty good makeup for a decent price. But how much do you guys spend and are they worth the price?

Aug 4, 2012

Darian J.

I spend probably $400 a year on makeup. 90% of my makeup comes from Sephora and then I buy a few things from drugstores. You really do get what you pay for when it comes to cosmetics. 

Aug 4, 2012

Nini N.

$100-200 on makeup. A random splurge. Most are from Sephora. It's expensive but it can go a long way :) 

Aug 4, 2012

LaToya C.

A month I spend about $30 - $60 

I used to spend about $500 a year but I spent a year in Paris and it completely changed my outlook on beauty. I hope to cut down my spending in half or more. Less is definitely more.

Ugh. I don't even want to think about how much money I spent on makeup. I do buy a lot from Sephora and MAC every so often. A lot goes in my kit though. 

There really is not set amount and I wouldn't be able to guess. I spend less on makeup now since I've got too much and I've become more picky on what I buy. Most of my makeup comes from Sephora (their sales items, deals, etc) because less animal testing brands and I just like the makeup better. When I've got some loose change, then I'll try something from ELF (not... very much at all considering the brand gets on my nerves - stealing photos and such), Wet n' Wild, Milani... Actually, I haven't tried Milani in a while. Their eyeliners went on clearance but I had no idea until they were completely wiped out!

Aug 6, 2012

Shelley W.

I don't even want to think about how much I spend on make-up......between what I pick up and what my husband's surprises me with from time to time I'm sure its a high figure. Just in July alone I would have to say that I spent $200 on make-up and just today I welcomed another $60 of makeup into my collection. I would like to stop because now I have dupes of several items....I just need to stop and start playing around with all the stuff I have now.

Way too much.

Aug 6, 2012

Laura T.

Probably about $50/month, but a few splurges of $200+ at MAC or Sephora around holidays or vacations.

Aug 6, 2012

Enis S.

About $100-$150. Between Sephora and at the Drugstore.

Aug 6, 2012

Jennifer B.

I probably spend about $100 per year. The most expensive thing I have in my collection is my Too Faced Natural Eyes palette, and I use that almost every day so I already have my money back on that purchase. Other than that, I stick mostly to drugstore products.

Aug 6, 2012

Emilie N.

i spend about 50-100 a month... 

It depends, but I am pretty sure most of us spend more than we should.
if Ihave the money and I want something I go crazy and buy it, but again you can get a lot of stuff in a year, and I don't buy everything at once sometime I buy 200 worth of make up lets say this month and I wait 3 months or so and spend that or more...
but again everytime I hit a drugstore I buy something and a few items really come and get big prices sometimes X_X

Aug 6, 2012

Raisa J.

I just got into makeup around two years ago and at the very beginning I was spending around 200 a month ( I do not buy at Drugstores unless I am absolutely intrigued). Now though since I have so much I spend around 60 a month (and I go a month or two without shopping sometimes) but a lot went into MAC but now that I know of Brands like Rockeresque, Inglot and OCC... I spend way less. These brands are better, last longer and are usually pretty reasonably priced. And as I tell my boyfriend.. If it is gonna go on my face it has to be the best, so yes even the splurges are worth it. I don't risk my face breaking out or aging faster bc of price. 

Aug 6, 2012

Sarah D.

I always look for bargains and I usually get really good quality makeup 

Aug 7, 2012

Myka A.

I shop every other month for makeup i don't spend too much coz i don't wanna get obsessed and maybe around 50 a month

Aug 7, 2012

Julie S.

I spend about 200.00 a year 

Aug 7, 2012

Julie S.

Don't have one 

Aug 7, 2012

Ipek C.

Whew this makes me feel a lot better about my make up spending habits. Good to know I'm not the only one blowing paychecks on products!

Aug 8, 2012

Erica S.

I spend about $50-$100 :)
I always buy Sephora, MAC, Covergirl ♥

Aug 8, 2012

Ida S.

Way to much 

Aug 8, 2012

Nicki N.

More than I like to admit. About $100 a month?

TOO MUCH MONEY!! haha, i never really shop for my makeup at the same time, its usually on a whim. but if i could put a price on it, it would probably be more then $500

Aug 9, 2012

Stephanie M.

I spend WAY more then I should... I'd say it ranges from $50-$150 a month, depending on what i've been really wanting, or what i've run out of or splurge on! haha