My fiance is coming home after 3 weeks of being out of the state.


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Sep 8, 2013

Ili R.

Haven't seen him in almost a month. he's coming home Wednesday morning and I want to look nice! any ideas? simple, dramatic, colorful, ahh please help. thank you :)

Sep 8, 2013

Carmela C.

Simple but sexy!! awww you must miss him!

Sep 8, 2013

Carmela C.

this is fun!

Sep 8, 2013

Carmela C.

or this!

Sep 8, 2013

Ili R.

I love it! and I do miss him very much <3 what should I wear? I don't want to over do it, but I also don't want to end up wearing plain old flip flops and jeans :p lol

Sep 8, 2013

Ili R.

Ooooo I'm loving the Brown! I think that's what I might go with carmela thank you! you're awesome :)

Sep 8, 2013

Carmela C.

Thankyou!! let me dig up a perfect outfit for you.

Sep 8, 2013

Ili R.

Aww you're so sweet. I could do it I'm just terribly indecisive hehe thank you.

Sep 8, 2013

Carmela C.

These are some ideas..

Sep 8, 2013

Carmela C.


Sep 8, 2013

Carmela C.


Sep 8, 2013

Carmela C.

Or if you want to get his blood jk this is cute with sandals.

Sep 8, 2013

Carmela C.

Hope you find the perfect outfit and makeup. have a great time beautiful!

Sep 8, 2013

Belen C.


Sep 8, 2013

Belen C.


Sep 8, 2013

Belen C.


Sep 8, 2013

Belen C.


Sep 8, 2013

Belen C.


Sep 8, 2013

Belen C.


Sep 8, 2013

Ili R.

Thank you girls so much! :D.