Help Major Breakout


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Sep 7, 2013

Margaret R.

Help having a major breakout what can I do to get rid up it.

Sep 7, 2013

Faith D.

Wash your face

Sep 7, 2013

Jaine B.

Wash only with cetaphil cleanser, don't wear makeup, oil free and SPF moisturizer, drink lots of water and take biotin

Sep 7, 2013

Jaine B.

Biotin is optional

Sep 7, 2013

Style S.

Put some aloe Vera plant on it sounds funny but works great.

Sep 7, 2013

Sloane M.

Try benzoyl peroxide gel :)

Sep 7, 2013

Ieshia M.

Cetaphil works wonder! Its takes off all the bacteria on your face and you can follow up with a spot treatment, neutrogena has some good ones.

Sep 7, 2013

Salma I.

Tea tree oil

Eat healthy foods such as leafy greens, almonds, salmon, fruit, try cutting out dairy and too much sugar, drink a lot of water, don't wash your face too much, drink lemon in your water. Green smoothies are clearing my skin up you should try some :) not the best tasting but worth the skin benefits!

I agree with wearing no face makeup it can make things worse! Kale is amazing to bring down inflammation I love it!

Sep 8, 2013

Alessia c.

Benzoyl peroxide and tea tree oil are the best spot treatments I've used. I use a tiny drop of tea tree oil now with witch hazel as a toner and use benzoyl peroxide as a spot treatment. if you have dry skin don't use them together because they are drying.

skip makeup if you can but if you normally wear makeup out I don't think it's necessary to skip it. lol I wanna hide the breakout with at least concealer. some brands can break you out but if you are using makeup that doesn't clog your pores, you should be fine if you don't sleep in it (lol obviously). Unless you have very sensitive skin and makeup typically breaks you out, you don't HAVE to skip wearing makeup out. I've gone weeks without makeup and didn't notice a single difference between how often I break out when I do wear makeup & when I don't. Breakouts are usually hormonal anyway but of course everyone's skin is different. you know your skin best!

Sep 8, 2013

Alessia c.

But a balanced diet and plenty of water can definitely help :)

Sep 10, 2013

Shona S.

St Ives apricot scrub is great!