What are these bumps??


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Aug 27, 2013

Becca R.

I have bumps on my legs that have been around over a week. They're not big bites.
They have a circle of redness around them... Is it from shaving? The bumps if I get them from shaving don't usually look like this?

Aug 27, 2013

Kaitlin D.

That could be acne or an allergic reaction

Aug 27, 2013

Jennifer R.

It looks like it could be an allergic reaction. Or maybe ingrown hairs. Had you changed anything about your shaving/skincare routine recently before they appeared?

Aug 27, 2013

Jenny R.

It could be because of the heat I usually get bumps like those during the summer

Aug 27, 2013

Becca R.

I did start using a new shaving cream.
But I think they were there a few days before I got the new cream.
I use to get them maybe 2-3 years ago too.
They don't hurt at all. Lol but I honestly refer to them resembling as little nipples because they have a circle around them and a little part in the center. It could be from shaving because they're no where else on my body

Aug 27, 2013

Becca R.

^^^ or an allergic reaction.
Which I definitely wouldn't be able to trace lol
I eat a lot of things and I from what I know, am only allergic to grass lol

Aug 27, 2013

Lorelle E.

I agree it could be the heat of its hot! If not then ingrown hairs. But if it doesn't clear up within a week I would go and see a doctor!

Aug 27, 2013

Francis M.

..um go visit your doctor aye..

Aug 27, 2013

Rachel B.

If it isn't an allergic reaction or a shaving rash to get it checked out.

Aug 27, 2013

Tiffany P.

I get allergic reactions all the time. (I'm allergic to grass lol) and they don't last that long. It would only stay in your system for a day or two then leave but that's it. I think you should go to the dr.

Aug 27, 2013

Lauren H.

Go see a dermatologist. I had bumps like these a while back and when I went to get them checked out it turned out I have an auto immune disorder. Basically your skin attacks itself, resulting in bumps. If it's the same thing as me, the doctor should give you medicine and they will be gone in a few weeks.

Aug 27, 2013

Becca R.

I know I use to get staph infection, and that these little guys would come around my ankles.
I don't have staph infection right now though.
I will tell my mom again to see if she will take me to the doctor because I've had them for 1-2 weeks
Thank you everybody:)

Aug 28, 2013

Emily W.

Almost looks like chicken pox... Are they itchy at all? Though I guess if they are isolated on your legs it would have to be a contact issue (allergy, toxic plant, insect bite/sting, etc)... Definitely see a doctor to get a firm diagnosis, because it may be autoimmune, or a reaction to something in your environment.

I just had a sudden thought: do you have a cat or dog? If a pet got into something that irritates your skin, it could linger and keep causing a reaction. If you have a pet, maybe give them a bath just to be safe.