What can I use to remove this?


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Aug 27, 2013

Tiffany B.

Posted something earlier and now have a new question. I decided to try going from a red / brown color to blonde. I first used a color removal kit ( which took most of the red out , left me orange ) and then a few hours later tried a box of platinum blonde hair color but it didnt do much , just lightened the orange color to a golden blonde but I was trying to go platinum. Now I have a golden blonde ( slightly orange ) color and don't know what I should do next. I might have to go to see my colorist to see if she can correct it :-(

I like it! It looks a bit copper-ish.

Aug 27, 2013

Dorthe K.

I don't think it looks bad. It might calm down after a few days to a color you like better...? Or you could try to dye it again in a few days.

Aug 27, 2013

Sabrina K.

I think you should wait a week or 2 before using another platinum blond! We don't want you to lose you hair as I did ;)

Aug 27, 2013

Francis M.

Use a pre lighter at least twenty vol forty if you can (it will say the vol on the packet ) then tone

Aug 27, 2013

Francis M.

Do not use another platinum blonde you are almost their you just need a stronger mix and then serious tone good luck

Aug 27, 2013

Kathryn L.

Yeah from what it looks like the color looks like it would suit you. Post another picture? But I understand you probably don't want to keep it this way because its not what you wanted plus possible unevenness in color throughout the hair.

Aug 27, 2013

Tiffany B.

I will probably wait at least a week because my poor scalp is really sensitive now :-( but now I am stressing about how to do my makeup today especially my eyebrows. I am tempted to wear a beanie today just to try and hide this lol. Wondering if I should start using a shampoo and conditioner for blondes too?

Aug 27, 2013

Sarah H.

I've used loreal brass banisher. Its sold at walmart and will take out the warm gold tones in your hair :)

Aug 27, 2013

Tiffany B.

@Sarah , will it make it all the same color or tone it to look more natural?
I think I am going to try a toner from Sallys a friend of mine recommended ( shes a cosmetoligist )...

Aug 28, 2013

Sarah H.

Thats a good idea. The brass banisher removes any warmth and orangey yellow tones. For me it has always toned my hair and made the color uniform.

Aug 30, 2013

Anna T.

The box color didnt do anything (or much of anything) because color doesn't lift color. It will only dye your new growth. To make your mids and ends platinum you will have to work with bleach. See a professional.

Aug 30, 2013

Anna T.

Also, the more you try and tone orange/yellow the brown and drab it will start to look.

Aug 30, 2013

Tiffany B.

Thanks Anna. I havent done anything yet. Still letting it rest , its starting to lighten just by washing. I will still do at least 2 more applications of either coconut oil or vitamin e oil to help heal my scalp.

Tiffany B.

Southern California