Hellp what is this thing on my face!


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Aug 27, 2013

No one cares S.

Hey!! I have these small patches that are lighter than the red of my skin. I don't know if its cancer, vitiligo (let's Hope no for both of those) or whatever it is. What is it and how can I get rid of it. It started of as a light dry patch. There's only two and they haven't chafed since I first noticed them. Sorry If the picture is bad you can just see them.

Aug 27, 2013

Lilly K.

Maybe it's cuz your fave is dry or maybe it's like from the sun.

Aug 27, 2013

Lilly K.

You should use sunscreen.

Aug 27, 2013

No one cares S.

Ok thank youu

Aug 27, 2013

Sabrina K.

You should go to your doctor.

Aug 27, 2013

Aileen L.

I think these are white spots...usually happens with dry skin..and for the weather..I have these.

Aug 27, 2013

Rachel B.

Try moisturise twice a day, once in the morning before you apply your make up, then at night before you sleep. If they're still there with no signs of clearing then you should go to your doctor.

Aug 27, 2013

Sabrina K.

Listen I don't think that anything will change it, even I got white spots on my skin and I'm as white and pale as they come and moisturize my skin every single day!

Your skin is just not the same tone all over, and that is natural... If you honestly think or are afraid that it's cancer, then we can not do anything, then you have to go to the doctor! But you can't get scared of every little thing on your body...

Aug 27, 2013

Axita S.

I think consult a doc.

Aug 27, 2013

Shelley W.

I have a series of them on my inner thigh just on one leg. Dermo told me they are perfectly harmless. They won't grow in size. I noticed mine 10 years ago and the doc is was right...they haven't grown in size and merged into one big white circle.

Aug 27, 2013

Rahma K.

My sister has these she has eczema so it must be dry skin (;

Aug 27, 2013

Traci L.

It could be something called pityriasis alba (NOT SERIOUS ) just a mild form of eczema when dry patches an light spots appear the doctor just gives you a topical cream and they go away just check with your doctor to be sure

Aug 28, 2013

Nikki R.

I get that all the time! my mom told me that they're sunspots.

Aug 28, 2013

Cyrenna E.

Research selsan blue shampoo for sunspots and see if it can be a option for you. my sister had white spot all over her shoulders, the doctor told her to use it during the shower. and its all cleared and returned to normal fairly quickly.