Cosmetology School


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Aug 6, 2012

Cindi H.

I am thinking about starting cosmetology school in 2013 and I wanted to know if anyone had advice for me. I love doing hair/ makeup on me and other people but most of my friends don't wear makeup alot and when I do offer to, they said that I don't seem like the "type" to do hair and makeup-whatever that means? So that means I dont have alot of experience but I still love it. Sorry for the rambling :)

Any advice??

Aug 6, 2012

Grace C.

I only went to school for nails but if it's what you love than you should do it!

Aug 6, 2012

Kristina S.

You should definitely do it if you want!!! There is no "type"!!! =) 

What makes you a "type"? Either you like doing it or you don't and it doesn't matter if you're "good" right now- you'll practice and get training to be at the professional standard. Go for it if you love it!

there is no such thing as "type" if that's what you really like and want to do then go for it! Its a lot of work but definitely worth it at the end when you have that license in your hands, trust me there is no other feeling like that lol! Good Luck! 

Aug 11, 2012

Kelly G.

Go for it!!! It's a recession proof job. Everyone needs a haircut. If you love doing it, do it. There is no type. It is always better to regret having done something than regret having not done something. It's the "what ifs?" that will keep you up at night. Good luck!!!! 

Aug 11, 2012

Bruna d.

Go for it!! Try applying to one at a technical school that has post grad cosmetology program, it's so much cheaper and the classes are way smaller. You should really look into that!!

Aug 11, 2012

Bruna d.

*technical high school