Help reduce the price of makeup in Australia.


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Some of you probably know this by now but the prices of Makeup in Australia is nearly 50%-100% increase most of the time compared to other countries like the UK and America.

Thanks to Gossmakeupartist, Wayne G, I have been recently been informed about a new movement that you can be involved in to help with the Australian price wars! illamasqua has decided to help, they are bringing down there prices in Australia and are waiting for your Help!

Check out his video for more information or go straight to the link below to sign the petition to make a change.

Gossmakeupartist's Video:

Please help us Aussies get stand a chance :)

Kate C: Thank you for letting me know, hopefully they work now :)

Aug 6, 2012

Jaimi-lee S.

definitely signing that!! The mark up is ridiculous in this country! Can't wait :) 

Aug 7, 2012

Isobel J.

Thanks for the links! The prices are horrible here :/

Aug 7, 2012

Tai-lee L.

You have my support 100%! 

Australians have two things working against them when they import products:
1) Shipping prices
2) Duties, taxes, etc.

I ship beauty products to retailers in Australia. The cost of shipping if they choose anything other than ocean freight by the pallet load is ridiculously high. If they choose ocean freight and buy by the pallet, shipping costs per item can be mitigated thus making the cost per item less...but a lot of companies cannot afford to buy by the pallet. But those who do buy by the pallet still run into a problem. Australia has a really high import duty/tax, etc. Anything coming in valued over $1000 gets taxed hard. Those fees naturally go into the product price and the end user ends up paying for it.

Based on my limited experience in this subject's not really always the retailers who are the cause of the problem. It's your geography which makes things hard to get there, and the high taxation when they do.

Love this campaign and so pleased its happened. I moved to Australia a year ago and was in shock at what we get charged here... Love Illamasqua for taking a stand, lets hope others will follow suit x0x

Aug 14, 2012

Jessica S.

Did it :D x x

I signed it. Not fair that we have to pay so much more for makeup and beauty products here - as a MUA, like most of us here, it gets ridiculously expensive! enough is enough!

Aug 18, 2012

Drea L.

Illamasqua is amazing for doing this. Signed it! You guys deserve fair prices!