Stress Is Taking It Out On My Skin!!


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Sep 10, 2013

Yolande P.

This happens everytime my skin is clear on holidays but at school I break out like crazzzy! I don't know how to stress less and have really bad anxiety so I don't make eye contact with anyone either! when I don't feel condfident in the way I look I can't work properly I'm in my second from last year from high school and I'm a insecure mess I also have a feeling that it may be my foundation as well,if anyone could recommend tablets,face washes and a foundation for my type of skin which is also combination I'd appreciate it.

Sep 10, 2013

Sarah Q.

Get a foundation that matches youre neck and hands, I'd recommend rimmel wake me up foundation (a concealer is also availabe) its great for those mornings where the alarm didnt go off! what are you stressing about? study? friends? try meditating for 15-30 mins before you go to sleep. just try and smile at people and be friendly, they won't bite, I promise! just try and walk tall and hold your head up high, surround yourself with your friemds and family and always be kind and caring, and this is a really long post but if there's anything else you want tell me, hope this helped!

Sep 10, 2013

Sarah Q.

Oh and for the skin care try the simple range! cleansers, moisturisers, scrubs and spot zappers!

Sep 10, 2013

Yolande P.

Thank you so much! :)

Sep 11, 2013

Skyler P.

I feel exactly the same way! I can't make eye contact with anyone! I'm always trying to hide my face, and I don't even have THAT bad acne, but it makes me feel so bad about my self, because I have spent over 200 dollars on my skin, and it just never seems to help. I've been tryong to drink more water and that seemed to help a little, but I'm still working on it.