Someone answer me ASAP.


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Sep 12, 2013

Ani C.

How should I do my hair , I have think wavy hair and no time for curls??

Sep 12, 2013

Monica C.

Top knot it

Sep 12, 2013

Ani C.

How I've never learned

Sep 12, 2013

Monica C.

It's not the easiest to explain but its really easy. just gather your hair at the top of your head and hold it like a ponytail, keeping two fingers at the start of the ponytail and wrap the rest of your hair around those fingers.

Sep 12, 2013

Monica C.

It'll be asymmetrical and imperfect but that's how I like mine. just throw on a cute headband or bandana.

Just embrace your hair! Scrunch it a bit to give it texture!

Sep 12, 2013

Cassidy B.

^ exactly. I have naturally really wavy hair and it can get pretty frizzy but when I'm on the run I just spray it with water (just to dampen it slightly) and add a curl/frizz cream or moose and it looks good.

Sep 12, 2013

Cassidy B.

Like this:)

Sep 12, 2013

Cassidy B.

Excuse my no makeup and horrible dark under eye circles lol.

Sep 12, 2013

Leslie D.

Cassidy thank you for that!! I'm only 15 and I really hate my natural curly hair because it gets so frizzy, but you look beautiful<3 I think I'll try wearing mine more often(:

Mines naturally curly and the more you learn to love it the easier life gets hahaha

This is a super awkward
Picture meant for my friends eyes only omg but this is my natural hair

Sep 12, 2013

Leslie D.

Thanks(: this is mine it's only some what calm because I had hair spray in it.