Help please : zits!!


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Sep 13, 2013

Laurie J.

I ve got these whiteheads of my forehead that will never I ve had them for nine months
How can I get rid of them?
I have oily skin , I was my face 3 times a day with wash and once a day with scrub. I do a face mask everyweekend.
What can I do??

Sep 13, 2013

Honey E.

Do you wash your face with stuff for oily skin? If so, you may need to try face wash for dry skin. Sometimes your skin can be dry but your body tries to compensate for that, and your face ends up oily. I suggest trying dry skin facewash, or at least face wash that isn't for oily skin :)

Sep 13, 2013

Ahliyah A.

First off stop washing your face so often, the more that you wash your face and strip it of it's natural oils, the more it will over produce oil, resulting in too oily skin. Second I would recommend using a natural toner once a day when you wash your face. I make mine out of a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water, it works really well. And I would invest in buying an acne treatment gel, I use the one from Mary Kay, but any ace treatment gel works. I hope that was helpful :)

Sep 13, 2013

Ahliyah A.


Sep 13, 2013

Laurie J.

Yes thanks my face wash is oxy so it already dries my skin a little bit.

Sep 13, 2013

Honey E.

Iagree with Ahliyah, don't wash it so much :)

Sep 13, 2013

Tilly H.

I think that if you only wash your face twice a day your skin won't be stripped. And I would say the scrub once a week and the mask every few weeks :) if all that fails then try a spot treatment :)

Sep 13, 2013

Aly Q.

Wash your face twice a day- once after you wake up and once before bed-, and NEVER use a scrub more than twice a week! It makes your acne worse!

Sep 14, 2013

Marissa B.

Definitely make a habit of washing your face twice a day, and ALWAYS remove your makeup before bed or when you get home from school. Make sure you drink lots of water and you're eating healthy foods. Sugary foods and drinks are the main cause to your breakouts- especially for teenagers! Xoxox follow me.

Sep 14, 2013

Michelle Anna F.

They are right, don't wash your face so much wash either morning and night or just at nighttime. Also how old are you because especially when going through puberty your always going to have acne just continuing to do what your doing just wash your face less and it will get better as your older. All through grade school I had terrible acne everywhere it was gross but once I started my freshman year of high school it all disappeared.

Sep 15, 2013

Laurie J.

Well I'm 14 and I ve never had really bad acne apart from on my forehead. Thanks anyway