And This Is My Bare Face.:(


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Sep 11, 2013

Skyler P.

Me without makeup. :( I have done sooo many things with my skin, and I have figured out a lot about it. I was recently reading this article about how your skin can sometimes be sensitized. meaning it becomes sensitive because of "overcleansing" which is sadly what I've been doing. I recently bought a clarisonic and I've been using it WAY to much, not to mention that during the summer I told my self I was going to get rid of all my pimples (which was barely anything back then) so I was overcleansing then too, thinking that more "cleaning" was better. lol, no. so I'm still struggling to hang in there and trying by best not to cry everything I look at my skin. I know some people might think I barely have ANY acne, and its true, I'm much better off than others, I actually have a friend who suffers from severe cystic acne, and the reason its really hard for me to deal with my self is cause I used to have really nice skin, and the biggest reason is because I've tried sooo hard to fight pimples and acne all together, even before I had my overcleansing problem, and I've spent so much time, energy, and money on my face, its extremely frustrating. so sorry to bore you, but now you know my story. hope you don't have to deal with anything even close to this.

Sep 11, 2013

Skyler P.

and another pic

Sep 11, 2013

Skyler P.

And yes, the person in my profile picture IS actually me, lol.

Sep 11, 2013

Alison S.

You should use those face masks that dry on.. They work fabulous. I went from acne worse than ever to 1-2 pimples every now and then. Avoid oils,sweets,grease..they-all effect your skin. I also sleep with my bangs back in a headband to avoid hair oil. This is me now..v keep in mind I had acne ALL OVER my face..and back!

Sep 11, 2013

Alison S.

This one is the one I meant to share. Haha.

Sep 11, 2013

Alison S.

(I'm infront)

Sep 11, 2013

Sloane M.

I'm sooo sorry that you have to go through this. I was where you were about 5 months ago, and now, while my skin isn't perfect, I am finally confident in it. I completely understand how you feel right now but you just have to remember that it will get better. You have to be patient and find what works for you, even if it takes months or even years. Right now, all you can do is outshine your acne with a pretty smile on your face and be confident, although I know it's extremely difficult. Stay strong, you'll get through it! <3.

Sep 12, 2013

Skyler P.

Thanks you guys, I really appreciate your comments. I'm going to visit a dermatologist, in a few days and see what she says. I'm trying to figure out a gentle way to clean my face without disturbing it.