Help! Skin Is Peeling!


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Sep 5, 2013

Kaitlin L.

I was at the lake all weekend and my face got really burnt, how do I stop it from peeling, its mainly on my nose forehead and chin!

Sep 5, 2013

Tatyana Z.

Aloe vera!! like in a lotion or gel. I was on vacation in Puerto Rico a year ago and got seriously and I mean seriously burnt. my shoulders, face, back. it was terrible. aloe vera should do well. if not you should look up remedies on Google. there are plenty. :)

Sep 5, 2013

Kaitlin L.

Omg thank you! can I still wear makeup? or will it still show it peeling?

Sep 5, 2013

Emily W.

Don't wear makeup! Keep it moisturized with a thick emollient; aquaphor, cold cream, etc. Don't try to exfoliate it off of pick at it. Let the peeling run its course, or the new skin underneath will end up dry and peeling.

Sep 5, 2013

Kaitlin L.

I put aloe Vera and baby lotion on it and put powder on top and you can't even tell its peeling