Oily Skin! Help!


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Sep 5, 2013

Allison H.

I use these face wipe things from neutrogena its called pink grape fruit I use them every night an it helps make my face less oily.

Sep 5, 2013

Matzo X.

There's this powder I use called stay matte by either mabelube or rimmel I get the transparent obe and use it on n myy face alone it works wonders xx

Sep 5, 2013

Halle C.

Try Spectro gel

Sep 5, 2013

Honey E.

They have facewaah for oily skin :) or, the problem may be that you don't need facewash for OILY skin but actually for DRY skin. The oil could be a sign of your skin trying to compensate for being dry.

Sep 5, 2013

Becca N.

I have a mixture of olive oil, tea tree oil, and castor oil that I put on my face. It sounds gross- putting oil on oil but it works! You massage it into your face and then steam your face with a warm washcloth. Your pores open and absorb these good oils, and they break down the bad ones! If you want to know more about it google oil cleansingmethod, because I don't know the website at top on my head!