School Photo Disaster :(


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Sep 5, 2013

Yolande P.

I have school photos tomorrow and I have broke out in loads of little spots (pimples) they are tiny but because they are so close together they look terrible please help because these photos are used for everything in school and these are second to last ones in high school any home remedies/scrubs/face steaming/face masks anything that will make them less visible or even disapear and any makeup tips for coverage all help is needed! thank you.

Sep 5, 2013

Yolande P.

And I have ran out of tea tree oil spot treatment I still have the facewash and I also have some exfoliating gloves if that helps too I have some shea butter my friend got me for my birthday and people say thats good

Most amazing thing I've EVER tried- Advil or Tylenol. Take one of those gel pills and bit a tiny hole in the top (don't get the liquid in your mouth) then squeeze some onto your fingers and dab it where ever you need it. I broke out horribly last night after school, and I did it twice for about an hour each, this is my skin now. Awkward picture hahaha but I wanted you to see if there were any bumps, which there's not, this is a miracle worker

Sep 5, 2013

Yolande P.

I don't have any :( anything else?

Not that works quick, but you can find it at any drugstore I got mine at the 7 eleven by my house haha.

Sep 5, 2013

Scarlett P.

Try toothpaste x

Sep 6, 2013

Selena P.

Toohpaste works good but If you have dry skin do not use it as it drys out the pimple.