What's your hair routine?


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Aug 31, 2013

Monica R.

I have curly hair and it tends to get super frizzy and tangled. Also in some parts its not even curly its just frizz. So for all you curly haired gals with tamed curly hair. What's your hair routine?

Aug 31, 2013

Kelly L.

I use this smoothie stuff and diffuse my hair. it ends up like this.

Aug 31, 2013

Kelly L.

another shot

Aug 31, 2013

Monica R.

What's the smoothie stuff?

Aug 31, 2013

Yolande P.

2+litres of water to keep it hydrated and help it grow,capsule of cod liver oil morning and night for growth as well,I know it sound gross but because my hair is so dry I only wash it 1/2 times a week with olive oil shampoo then deep condition for one hour,morocan oil for my ends,vo5 spray for frizzy dry hair just when I need it,and soft n free to mantain the curls and keep them moisturized and I use a comb because it causes less breakage and does not get as tangled :)

Aug 31, 2013

Irene S.

I have a curly hair too. Usually I comb my hair only after douche so it'l really curly hair not fluffy) When it's looking fluffy I just use spray and use it after douche too.

Aug 31, 2013

Stephanie S.

You douche your hair?...akward...

Aug 31, 2013

Kaylaa B.

Fish oil and olive oil mixed together leave half. An hour or more and wash out my hair is in much better & could you check out my upper lip piercing chat because I need help advice fast for me chec k it out.

Aug 31, 2013

Moni K.

My hair isn't that bad but I usually just spray It's a 10 or John Frida anti frizz serum after I wash my hair.

Also I don't think Irene is talking about that type of douche you two are thinking about, It's probably just a mistake or misunderstanding. I know that in Hungarian douche (spelled d?s but pronounced douche) means thick or full, as in thick hair or having a lot of hair, she could have ment something along those lines...or she may have been talking about other hair...but I don't think that's the case. lol

Aug 31, 2013

Megan B.

Douche is French for shower.

Aug 31, 2013

Moni K.

Oh yeah my Nivea shower creme is called apricot cremedouche! lol I figured it was a misunderstanding. Thanks for the clear up Megan. ;D

Aug 31, 2013

Monica R.

Thank you guys

Aug 31, 2013

Alicia C.

Wash and ponytail. Sometimes ill twist it on the sides or ill do a bump.

Aug 31, 2013

Melissa M.

Just pretty simple sometimes I just leave out natural or do waves straight or just a messy bun nothing to much

Aug 31, 2013

Cody B.

Hey Monica I have curly hair too and what I do it 1 wash my hair and put plenty of conditioner on ( I use a natural conditioner like coconut) and then comb it in the shower/bath. I comb it again when I get out the shower. If you want it dry naturally use a ribbon in a pony so your curls don't bend. If you want to dry it straight away use a defused by flipping your hair over the front ten to the right then left about 3-5 time until its dry. Then add a frizz free crew and massage your roots to give you volume :) I use John frieda frizz creme

Sep 1, 2013

Monica R.

Thanks my hair is very similar to yours.