Trim hair?? (Need advice)


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Aug 31, 2013

Cassidy L.

Okay, girls! I haven't had my hair trimmed in like 5 months, but I just can't bring myself to do it. They always take off too much 😬 Do y'all think it's time to trim the ends? I should have straightened my hair before this, so sorry. It's natural in the pics. Thanks!!

Aug 31, 2013

Karen S.

I don't think you should trim it, let it grow long :)

Aug 31, 2013

Dimple N.

Trim it , even if they do cut too much is grows back.
And if you really don't want them to trim it, goggle how to do it at home?

Aug 31, 2013

Dimple N.

Keeps it healthy too, key to growing it out

Aug 31, 2013

Kaylaa B.

Don't trim trust me you will really regret

Aug 31, 2013

Stephanie S.

YouTube how to trim it yourself. I did and mine came out real good (:

Aug 31, 2013

Lorelle E.

I wouldn't trim it I haven't cut mine for like a year and its still healthy just but a repair serum and make sure you always heat protect! And deep condition top quality hair care is soo important

Aug 31, 2013

Britt G.

If you trim it every 3 months its a good period of time for those who want to grow it. It will get rid of those split ends and if you get regular trims.. Even if its 2cm the spit ends won't be as inclined to split up the hair shaft therefore you'd have to cut more off if that kinda makes sense :)

Aug 31, 2013

Cassidy L.

Thanks, y'all. I really just need to know if my ends are bad enough that I need a trim now, or if they're okay enough for me to leave them. I don't plan on cutting them myself. If I really need them cut, I'll go have them cut. This is my hair straight. Thanks for all answers!