Girls I need some help...!!


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Sep 1, 2013

Monica F.


Sep 1, 2013

Dorothea S.

...with what?

Sep 1, 2013

Katherine R.


Sep 1, 2013

Ashley D.


Sep 1, 2013

Molly R.

with your period??

Sep 1, 2013

Monica F.

It was actsidente lol my bad

Sep 1, 2013

Corinne P.

I like how @molly assumes it's with your period hahaha.

Sep 1, 2013

Klaire V.

hahahahahahahaha omg

Sep 1, 2013

Monica F.

Dang y'all commented on this quick Lmaoo

Sep 1, 2013

Klaire V.

I know right hahaha we can't comment on thigs that are "important" or "urgent" for someone to know yet we're all here laughing hahahahaha :D.

Sep 1, 2013

Monica F.

ikno right Lmfaooo

Sep 1, 2013

Melanie H.

@molly I like your thinking! That'd be a clever way to ask about your period. That's why I thought at first lol.