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Aug 1, 2012

Shari B.

I feel like I've land on a holy grail, iI've been searching for other beauty bloggers for the longest. i recently picked up blogging and i totally love it, i love getting the the chance to connect with different people all across the world who have the same interest as me. I'm from New York city and I have a eye for fashion and i love doing make up. I LOVE LOVE just LOVE expressing myself through my blog
here are my links: and i am looking for new blogs to follow and read, so if your interested in following my blog as well please leave your link so we can build wonderful connects: I would love to read your comments and see new face.
Blog: http://www.mycurlsmyfashion.com

twitter: http://www.twitter.com/shariberries

Youtube : http://www.youtube.com/user/koolcherry12?feature=watch

hope to here from yall soon