Eyebrows :( Don't Know What To Do.


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Sep 3, 2013

Annie L.

Hey everyone

well I'm thinking of doing my eyebrows but think of getting it threaded. what should I do to them

still thinking of doing myself or getting it done + excuse the pimple

Sep 3, 2013

Tatyana H.

Don't do yourself.

Sep 3, 2013

Emma S.

I got my eyebrows professionally waxed and it was great :) it was really quick. Now I only pluck or occasionally wax them myself (be careful waxing them yourself though) I've heard threading is amazing! Many of my friends recommend it. Plucking is great if there is not much to do because it takes a long time if you plan to pluck a lot of hair. :)

Sep 3, 2013

Matzo X.

Get a pro to do them first and then just maintain it with plucking its really easy when you get the hang of it xxx

Sep 3, 2013

Frances E.

The first time I got my eyebrows done was when it was threaded. It's a lot less painful than wax in my opinion yet not as painstaking as plucking. Plus the professional tends to tell you how to shape them depending on your face shape and eyes. Threading tends to be cheap and can find them in most hair salons and even nail bars :)

Sep 3, 2013

Hannah K.

Plucking hurts so much=| but if you're going to pluck, pluck them at the root of the hair, one at a time and in the direction the hair grows, as its less painful! And use aloe vera gel or a cooling gel after to relieve redness.

Sep 3, 2013

Alena G.

Well for the shape of your eyebrows, do something like Miley Cyrus'! You have amazing eyebrows and I think it would look great :)

Sep 3, 2013

Isabella K.

DONT DO IT URSELF. Trust me. Get a professional to do it, and then fill them in if you'd like.

Sep 3, 2013

Annie L.

Thankyou so much :) appreciate it :)

Sep 4, 2013

Nina F.

Get them professionally waxed or threaded.

Sep 4, 2013

Kitty K.

Don't do them yourself.
And if you're going to get them waxed, then forget threading.
The pain is equally the same, but threading is much more slower and painful.
And it's a lot faster... I don't know why I ever thought there was a difference between waxing and threading, when waxing leaves them more neater anyways!