My skin is awful.


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Sep 3, 2013

Shannon M.

I have little white spots and a bad break out on my chin, I have redness all in the corner of my nose I feel so low about it. So I feel putting foundation on to cover it:( I wash my face twice a day and cleanse twice a day, I exfoliate once/twice a week, I moisturise. What can I do:(

Sep 3, 2013

Nurul B.

Hey me too :'( I'm worst see..pimples and blackheads. sometimes I'm too shy to face everyone.

Sep 3, 2013

Shannon M.

It's awful, I feel so ugly I'm trying! I have a friend who has perfect skin but she doesn't wash her face and look after her skin like I do! It's not  fair

Sep 3, 2013

Emma S.

I read that breakouts on your chin are caused by hormones, and unfortunately woman go through really hormonal stages. All I can suggest is to make sure to drink HEAPS of water :) I drink 1.5L a day {I also live in hot Australia} Eat really well, As well as having one day a week for spa treatment- search up great skin care facials {I found one for banana that was amazing} apart from that keep doing what your doing, and don't worry we all feel insecure about our skin every so often, it will clear up :)

Sep 3, 2013

Nurul B.

Ikr! I have 'that' friend too.. yeah we tried damn hard for a radiant and smooth skin but they are like so urghh... jealous overflow :(

Sep 3, 2013

Shannon M.

Thank you Emma , that's the thing about bananas? X.

Sep 3, 2013

Emma S.

You're Welcome :) I actually got my recipe/facial from a book, which I can't get to right now- but I found something that sounds similar :) BTW; you may have to try out a couple different facials to find one that suits your skin type.

Sep 3, 2013

Emma S.


Sep 3, 2013

Emma S.

I just googled Banana facial :)

Sep 3, 2013

Melanie H.

I broke out really bad on my chin too. I have yet to find out what happened that did this. I wasn't stressed at all! Maybe some pre school jitters... Hmm. Anyway, I've been using glamoflouge and it's helping hide my blemishes.

Sep 3, 2013

Melanie H.

It's a heavy duty concealer at a great price. I'm pretty sure it's just only sold at walmart.

Sep 3, 2013

Lizzy W.

Here are some links that will hopefully help :)

I know exactly how you feel. I had horrible skin for years and it made me feel really bad about myself. eventually the only thing that cleared my skin was strong medication! Keep taking good care of your skin and trying out different products and treatments! See a doctor or dermatologist if nothing seems to help.

Sep 3, 2013

Tara P.

A. Use this face wash : neutrogenna pink grapefruit cream wash (best thing ever!!)
B. buy a cream witch contains benzoyl peroxide it burns the spots but also drys out the skin so use it only on the spots and use a good moisturiser
But the best thing you can do is not to use make up on a daily basis.. When I was younger I had a spot prob and when I stopped the make up the all went away :)

Pure tea tree oil. It'll eat away all the bacteria and prevent scarring. Will see results within days, it helped me so much. I like Thursday Plantation from Walmart. $8 a bottle, pure, no added chemicals. :)

Sep 4, 2013

Yaira D.

Well I have mild break outs but I just purchased a pricey yet worth it foundation (: Hourglass immaculate foundation c:

Sep 4, 2013

Yaira D.

Many women have said that it has great coverage for oily/non oily skin, which mattifies and also helps breakouts! It's fragrance free, no chemicals! (:

Sep 4, 2013

Yaira D.

$55 and I just purchase it today in Sephora and one of the make-up consultants said she even uses it, even though she has oil-free skin but she loves it! And it's great for summer(:. Even after seating!

Sep 4, 2013

Yaira D.
