What kinda food...


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Sep 2, 2013

Chrissy M.

Can break you out just wondering.

Sep 2, 2013

Melanie P.

Butter I know its not food but it does also chocolate it brakes you out if you eat to much of it trust me it has happen to mee.

Sep 2, 2013

Jareka B.

Alot of chocolate

Sep 2, 2013

Ayesha S.

Spicy chips.. ( hot cheetoes; takis , etc )

Red meat, deep fried/oily food

Sep 2, 2013

Jacqlyn W.

Fried food and sugar. Dairy is a major one too. I know lots of people who are dairy free and that helped their acne tremendously.

Sep 2, 2013

Colette R.

Foods aren't really what causes breakouts. It's the hormones built in your body, as well as lack of hygiene or sadly, genetics. Eating the foods listed will be bad for your diet, but not for your face.

Sep 2, 2013

Kimberly Y.

I agree with Colette. Foods don't cause your break outs. Stress, hormones, genetics, and some makeups cause them. My advice to help prevent them is, wash your pillow cases and bed sheets often, drink plenty of water, eat healthy, wash your face once or twice a day with your favorite acne cleanser, relax if your under stress. And I've heard touching your face a lot breaks you out. But I hope that helps.

Sep 2, 2013

Kimberly T.

Touching your face is will probably break you out faster than anything... Think about all the places you put your hands , then you put it on your face and it clogs your pores so fast!

Sep 2, 2013

Sam B.

^ Both Kimberly's and Colette are right