Once the braces are off?


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Sep 3, 2013

Lizzie T.

So I'm getting my braces off soon, and I was wondering if there are like really bad marks where the braces were and what I can do to prevent that. Thanks!

Sep 3, 2013

Karen S.

I don't think they leave you any marks but if they do I guess you can use whitening strips to even out the color

Sep 3, 2013

Penny K.

There usually isn't any marks! I had my braces off and my teeth looked normal. However, if there are any marks just brush your teeth many times throughout the day, use listerine or something like that.

Sep 3, 2013

Sami R.

My spots were barely visible. I used optic white toothpaste from Colgate.

Sep 3, 2013

Hannah A.

No the dentists just try to scare you into brushing your teeth but usually once they are off its even coloring but your teeth may be a little yellow so use whitening strips.

Sep 3, 2013

Courtney M.

I think it depends on how you took care of your teeth with braces. When I got mine off I didn't have any marks. My orthodontist gave me some teeth whitener to put in my retainer when I went to sleep. That helped them get whiter :)

Sep 3, 2013

Corinne P.

It basically depends on wether or not you took care of your teeth when you had them on. Which I'm sure you did Lizzie!haha SEEYA AT SCHOOL!!😘😘😘