Yo Look At This Girl Hair And Makeup.


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Jun 28, 2013

Heidi S.

Lmao, these are so hilarious! Made my day so much better lol:) thanks for sharing everyone

Jun 28, 2013

Roz X.

Oh my..lol I love the whole "Divine" tribute look...for the stage, not the sidewalk.

Jun 28, 2013

Sheyla G.

EW wtf.

Jun 28, 2013

Ash V.

...huh?! woooooow.

Jun 28, 2013

Jessica L.

her weave hahahha

Jun 28, 2013

Theresa Z.

How rude and disrespectful of you to post this. If that woman feels beautiful that way who are you to judge her. This is an app for beauty not for menacing and judging people. I'm sure if someone posted your picture saying those harsh things you wouldn't be smiling then.

Jun 28, 2013

Savannah H.

I am with Theresa. It's bs to post a pic of a women and then open the door for insults. Hope nobody is doing this to you somewhere out there. I can't think of a much uglier situation than someone putting a picture up of me JUST to make fun. B-lish is not a tool for bullying guys. Grow up.

Jun 28, 2013

Stephy V.

^^^ yup

Jun 28, 2013

Pamela W.

Wow Mookey (I call my mom mookie, loves it!) I see women like that here in NYC (mainly the outer boroughs)...smh.

Jun 28, 2013

Diamond P.

I think that girl was joking. There's no way she was serious.

Jun 28, 2013

Pamela W.

Velen I hated those things too. Not to mention my hair was super short for them. We call them bobo's here in NYC.

Jun 28, 2013

Rachel H.

I am DYING about that faux hairline half up the head. I wonder if that was really what the guy wanted?!?! I've had people ask me to take their natural hairline back...that is a big no, sorry.