Scars And Redness Please Help Beware Pics Included.


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Jun 24, 2013

Sarah H.

Ok this has taken me 10 years to bare my natural skin... I am never without makeup so this is a huge step for me...

With makeup I look fine you wouldn't be able to tell I had a problem... But once I take my mask off its a whole different story!! I have scaring and spots... The spots I'm not too bothered about they aren't too bad... It's the scars that bother me... Any advice on what I can do to get rid or make them less noticeable I would love to be able to go without makeup... I'm too embarrassed to go to doctors as I won't be seen without my mask! My forehead is ok I'm not bothered about it really its just my cheeks! Please help

Jun 24, 2013

Sarah H.

Close up sorry girls

Jun 24, 2013

Sarah H.

Nice eh :(

Jun 24, 2013

Sarah H.

Other cheek

Jun 24, 2013

Sarah H.

I'm in the UK anything I can buy over the counter would be brilliant

Jun 24, 2013

Bozena W.

Wish I can help but my skin looks even worse😔

Jun 24, 2013

Sarah H.

It's awful isn't it I hate it never go bare faced anywhere not even in my house encase people turn up so embarrassing! Hopefully some lovely person can post a solution for us! Chin up your not the only one and I'm sure where not the only two people with this problem xxx

Jun 24, 2013

Shumi C.

Sarah you honestly aren't alone, there are sooo many people out there with similar problems. Me being one of them! I hate wearing make up too but I'd rather that than go out with bad skin. For the redness I would suggest something natural. I use honey mixed with milk which calms the redness and makes my skin really smooth. Keep your cleansing routine simple as too many products can irritate the skin. I've been washing my face with a tea tree oil face wash then using a vitamin e serum straight after. Also try taking some vitamin supplements to help yourself from the inside. I'm taking evening primrose oil capsules, but I've heard cod liver oil capsules are excellent at clearing skin and overall making it glow. I hope that helps. :)

Jun 24, 2013

Rebella A.

I don't think this looks as terrible as you say. Is the redness always there or is it irritated skin?

Jun 24, 2013

Sarah H.

Rebella...Redness always there this is my face totally clean free

Shumi... Thank you for your advice I will try the honey and milk and will try some vitamins too thank you so much nice to know I'm not alone, I just wish it would calm down enough for me to be able to go bare face and not wear a full mask! Xx

Jun 24, 2013

Nayab B.

Consult skin specialist (dermatologist)

Jun 24, 2013

Rebella A.

Yes I agree on going to a dermatologist. It's maybe 2 hours without make up and it will change your life forever, the insecurity will be gone. I think that will be totally worth it to go see a doctor.

Jun 24, 2013

Leanne D.

Bio oil for scars baby oil/Coco nut oil for redness baby oil is also very good for stretch marks.

Jun 24, 2013

Sarah H.

Nayab... I couldn't possible justify spending 100 on a dermatologist... If I couldn't cover it with makeup then I would

Em... Thank you for your advice appreciate it :) xx

Jun 24, 2013

Sarah H.

I want to keep dermatologist as last report really as it is expensive and I have two children and even the 100 pound isn't much Its a 100 pound which isn't being spent on my children. I'm just after some cheap solutions for the time being without spending too much... Seems silly but I would feel selfish taking 100 a way from my children I work all hours god sends and still only have 200 spare a week for food and kids things xxx

Jun 24, 2013

Sarah H.

Thank you Leanne... I did hear bio oil would work on scars I know I used it when I was pregnant but this was on my tummy and I didn't get any stretch marks... Have you tried bio oil on face?? X.

Jun 24, 2013

Rebella A.

Did you check your healt insurance policy? Maybe if the doctor sends you to see the dermatologist it will be for free. You can always tell him it hurts or whatever and then it's medical.

Jun 24, 2013

Sarah H.

Thats a good idea but I'm sure I've only got cover for terminal illness... I pay for my doctors and medications etc.x

Jun 24, 2013

Rebella A.

Too bad. Health insurance sucks in other countries.

Jun 24, 2013

Leanne D.

Sarah yeh I got hit by a car and had a scar bio oil faded it a lot!!

Jun 24, 2013

Sarah H.

Sorry to hear that Leanne hope you have made a full recovery, thank you I will defo give bio oil a try xx

Kimberly N.

Jun 24, 2013

Kimberly N.

Sarah, I totally hear you on all the valid points you raised to put off seeing a dermatologist but I can tell you now you will spend far more money trying to solve it with over the counter products. Without knowing the exact source and trialling many different products you just won't find a solution. And $100 now, spent on you, will save you a lot of money down the track when you start to age and things get much worse (and kids only get more expensive as they age!). I highly recommend you visit a DMK or Dermalogica recommended therapist, often they will do a consult for free and assess your skin. From there it is up to you if you want to undergo treatments or use products.

I don't want to guilt you but I just want to stress that healthy skin will make a big difference to your life. You won't have to use as much makeup to cover it (saves you $$), you will feel better on the inside AND most importantly, healthy skin means healthy barrier function and that is what our skin is for.

Jun 24, 2013

Laura M.

I did read something online about a product to help this and it sounded awesome so ill show you a screen shot I took when I found it and ps my scars are a lot worse if that makes you feel any better.

Jun 24, 2013

Laura M.

Just type into google zenmed acne scar remover cream and it should take you to the proper like but babe honestly just read it

Jun 24, 2013

Sarah H.

Kimberly... Thank you I think I know that I spend a lot on makeup etc.I will definitely consider a dermatologist after I have tried a few honey masks and vitamins

Laura thank you very much I will check out the website now x