Your Beautiful No Matter Your Size.


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Jun 25, 2013


Ok to all the plus size women out there who feel like they can't wear a certain itme of clothing like shorts or sleevless tops or whatever, lemme tell you somethin...
JUST because you only see these cute clothes for smaller women DOES NOT mean you can't rock it either. In fact most plus size women are able to look better in shorts than most skinny girls I know.

The media sucks. Point, blank, period. Everyone drinks it in feeling like its the truth, and if you stray from that, your shut down. I'm a size 18 close to pushing 20, and I get more compliments on how beautiful I am than how big I am. I know my size and to me there ARE no limitations to what you can wear. If you want to wear it, then by all mean WEAR IT AND ROCK IT! Your beautiful no matter your size ladies! <3

Jun 25, 2013

Madame G.

Awww thanks hun I'm not ashamed shhhiiitt...I'm a size 14 got big is beautiful.

Jun 25, 2013

Carmela C.

I agree!! GORGEOUS!!Every women is beautiful no matter what shape and size! You go Girl!! Rock it baby!

Jun 25, 2013

Kenzie L.

I wish I had more curves. especially for being latina. when people find out my nationality they always seem to say 'you're skinny for being Mexican' I'm not exactly sure how I'm supposed to take that.

Jun 25, 2013

Kalyn H.

Agreed! no such thing as too big or too small!

Jun 25, 2013

Tanya N.

This is what beauty is about! 😄

Jun 25, 2013

Samira S.

I'm a size 7 and feel the need to be skinnier :(

Jun 25, 2013

Rachel H.

Oh I needed to read this. Thank you.

Jun 25, 2013

Grace K.

Love this thread!

Jun 25, 2013

Brittany O.

I think being healthy is the main thing if your healthy and tiny or healthy and bigger who cares! At least you're healthy <3.

Jun 25, 2013

Kenzie L.

well said Brittany

Jun 25, 2013

Katy S.

Thanks girl!! Means a lot that you would say that.

Jun 25, 2013

Rachel R J.

Preach! 🙌

Jun 25, 2013

Axita S.

I am big! I am not sure about beautiful!

Jun 25, 2013

Melissa W.

Girl yes, I'm a size 20 and I embrace it. obviously I work out and I need to more so I can lose some weight for health reasons. but what's important is that I love myself for how I am now. and yes, its hard but I think I carry myself very well and I'm open about my weight. and its crazy to me because I know what I see in the mirror and I get really upset sometimes about it. but when I tell people my waist size and my weight they are so shocked and that I look smaller than my actual size and that by my clothes wouldn't have thought I was as big as I am. but its all about how you carry yourself and I think I make myself look Damn nice. I care about my health and I think I'm beautiful on the outside. :)

Jun 25, 2013

Madame G.

no homo lol

Jun 25, 2013

Guera G.

? this. thanks for posting this hun :)

Jun 25, 2013

Guera G.

Oops meant <3 this lol.

Jun 25, 2013

Jamie D.

I'm skinny as a stick here (I never work out, I eat what I want...I don't understand it) and I would DIE to have some curves!!
Take it from one if 'those skinny girls' that everyone for some reason wants to be. Curves rock, be proud of them!

Jun 25, 2013

Katarina M.

I agree! You rock, girl! Love you for posting this. I barely fit into a size 0 which makes me feel terrible :/ Sometimes I look in the mirror and think to myself "Kat, you look disgusting with your boney arms and skinny thighs." But then I think back and remember that if I keep eating healthier and working out I'll get to the weight I'm supposed to be and actually look good in shorts! Haha, you're all amazing and BEAUTIFUL women, no matter what.

Jul 12, 2013


@Jaime D.,you must have a high metabolism then. My older sister got dealt that end of the genes whereas I got the total opposite! XD lol and I will admit there are times when I wish I was smaller BUT that collides with my love for food lmao. I say bring on that Chinese food with extra fortune cookies, gimme that ice cream and cake! When I got a fork in my hands youd better watch it XD lol!! So no matter what your size, be it skinny gorgeous, or curvy and amazing, you are FANTASTIC! <3's you all! :)

Jul 12, 2013


@Axita, what you be buggin about?!?!! YOUR BEAUTIFU! I only said beautiful because I can't find a word to describe how amazing you look hunni :) <3 LOVE to you!