To go naked face or not, that is the question.


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Apr 4, 2012

Dee C.

So I suffered from acne during my teenage years and now I carry the scars to prove it. I am very conscious about my scars and so I usually apply foundation to cover up my scars. I have not had breakouts in recent years but I am wondering if I am doing more damage to my skin by wearing makeup every day. I work six days a week and I usually do have makeup on because I simply feel like people will see my scars before they see me. When I have makeup on people usually comment on how flawless my skin look "little do they know". So what say ye? Should I go bare faced or not for work?

Apr 4, 2012

Corletha S.

well i think you should wear make up but you should develop a skin care routine to help your skin and you should look into products to help clear up your marks. i suffer from the same thing but i use ponds. don't k now if could help you also :) 

Apr 4, 2012

Dee C.

@Corletha, thanks I have heard people speak about Pond's but I am not familiar with it. I will be giving it a try this spring.

Apr 4, 2012

Corletha S.

you really should, its good with fading marks, it takes awhile but it doesn't give you a washed out look at all.

Apr 4, 2012

Dee C.

I will start it next week and will do a review in a month. Thanks again

Apr 7, 2012

Andrea C.

I totally think you should! nobody's perfect so people shouldn't judge you because you have acne scars. be confident and rock your bare skin

Apr 7, 2012

gee m.

I don't see anything with you wearing makeup everyday. A lot of women wear foundation everyday at times I know I do just for a more even look. I would just try and make sure that you remove all your foundation and makeup off everyday and get as much of it off as possible. If you are not uncomfortable with your skin being out you can always apply your makeup for when your out and about then when your hanging around the house allow your skin to breath. Also there is a product called black and white it is a bleaching cream. It is really good for clearing up dark marks that are left over from acne and insects bites. 

Apr 8, 2012

Kim M.

As a cosmetology student my hair and makeup has to be done daily for school. ((which I attend 5 days a week.)) There is no problem with wearing foundation every day, just be sure to have a good skin care routine that includes a makeup remover. :)