Ways to help your hair grow faster


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hey dolls I recently cut my hair due to excessive split ends because of my heating tools :(

Anyway it's a little under my shoulder but I would like for it to grow fast so I was wondering if you guys knew of any tricks lol for right now i've been using organic coconut oil

Thanks for your comments in advance!!

Apr 4, 2012

Britt A.

Hair, Skin, and Nail vitamins have been miracle workers in helping me grow out my hair. I had to chop all of mine off for the same reason. I also make sure now when I use a heat tool, that I condition enough, never use temps higher than 400 degrees (temps any higher can denature your hair) and use heat protectant always! EVEN and especially when blowdrying! Try not to stress because hair grows on its own (about 1/4 of an inch a month or less depending on your genes). The best thing you can do for your hair now is eat healthy and take super good care of what you have left. I know it sucks but don't dwell too much on it and before you know it, it'll be frown out. 

A healthy diet, hair conditioners, let it soak. I have been using Yes To Carrots Shampoo and conditioner. For conditioner I apply at the beginning of my shower and let soak. For a leave in conditioner I like Salma Hayek's, but I don't apply to the roots, so my hair doesn't appear weighted. I blow dry with that on, and it also works as a glossing agent. For flat ironing, choose good quality tools. Flat iron slowly, and that will help relieve your hair, and cause less damage. Be sure to limit flat ironing for healthy hair growth.

Apr 5, 2012

Katelyn D.

ive been growing my hair out for a few months now and have seen so much difference. what i do is take biotin which is a nail skin and hair supplement. i also only use heat on my hair when i really need to straighten it because my hair is extremely frizzy and wild looking naturally. i wash my hair once or twice a week which is good for it because the natural oils from you hair can help keep it healthy (i learned this in beauty school). argan oil is a good product to help with hair growth and also natural shampoos and conditoners they dont have sulfate and other ingrediants most shampoos do that mess with your hair! i am also going to start trying to use hair masks and see if that helps! good luck! 

Apr 5, 2012

Theresa S.


These are some great tips I collected during the years for healthy and long hair.
I got those tips in Magazines, at Doctors or my Hairdressers!

->Tips for healthy scalp (which is very important for healthy hair) :

Try to use a shampoo that´s not aggresiv. That means it should not contain tensides or sulphates. A shampoo that contains those ingredians make your hair and skin dry.

Don´t blowdry your hair on the highest level.

Don´t use mousse or hairspray directly on the scalp.

For S.O.S help use a deep contitioner containing things likeProvitamin B5.
Or use olive oil! What you do is you massage the olive oil in your hair and scalp and put a shower cap over it and leave it in over night.

->How to wash your hair right:

Don´t use shampoos that are straightening. They contain silicons that make your hair heavy.

Use only a small amount if product which you dispose within your hands, massage it in your hair and immediatly rinse it with hand warm water.
Rinse longer than you actually massaged the shampoo in your hair, you don´t want rest product to stay in your hair.

If you have really long hair, only pur shampoo on the roots cause when you rinse it the rest of your hair will be washed as well.

Although your hair grows due to genes, you can stimulate it if you use shampoos with ingredians like coffeine and biotin.

If you want to go easy on your hair use some water solubleoil and leave it in for about 30 min before you wash your hair!

Use a conditioner after every washing! It protects the hair and refills the broken structure.
Massage the conditioner first in the ends and then upwards but not in the roots.

Do a deep conditioning weekly. A deep conditioning last about five washings.
Apply the product not to the roots, but in the length and the ends. Comb it through afterwards and rinse it when the time is up.
You can add a couple drops of hairoil in the deep conditioner. This gives your hair an extra boost

->Your diet is a very important part as well:

Your hair needs vitamins, mineral nutriens and protein.

Eat a lot of milk products (though no need to overdo it)

Eat green vedgies.

Stay away from sugar (to much at least) to much salt and adipose.

-> Tips for healthy stylling:

You need to cut your end (approx. 8 mm) every eight weeks!

Never pull wet hair. It will break! Use a wide toothed comb.
Cheaper combs might have dispensable product at the parts where the comb was pressed together, this will damadge your hair! Be careful about this.

Try not to confront your hair with to much heat! If you streighten use max. 140 ° celcius and always usse heat protecter!

Use hair ties that don´t have the metal thing on them and make sure you cange the position your the tie every other day.

Don´t use to much hairspray etc cause it contains alcohol with drys out the hair.

Don´t use the hairspray on the ends-> split ends...