Help To Stop Biting


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Apr 22, 2012

Bridget G.

Wearing Jamberry Nail Shields really help my daughter stop... but she has an addiction to the shields now and wants to change the design every week!

Apr 22, 2012

jazzica Q.

always keep polish on! when they chip, take it off and redo them with a different colour. it'll look so pretty, you won't want to bite & they'll grow. also, try some gum or something to keep your mouth occupied.

Apr 28, 2012

meghan p.

thank you all i am currently working on trying to catch myself even biting them 

The only reason I have tried to stop is how germy it is, other than that I don't mind doing that. I will have stopped for months and have grown out my nails then out of nowhere I will start chewing them off! It's really weird and now I just put on fake nails to help cope. Best of luck! I am in the same boat as you! =]

Apr 30, 2012

Skyler S.

keep nail polish on! this will help you stop also it will keep your nails looking nice

Apr 30, 2012

Ariane C.

i actually was a terrible nail biter my whole life up until 2 years ago. i tried everything in the book, chewing gum, bad tasting polish, wearing gels, filing and painting my nails, wearing gloves, etc. nothing worked ever. finally i got hypnotized and it really worked. i had two sessions and i only have relapses when i'm really stressed out. it's was pretty amazing. no regrets!

May 1, 2012

keri k.

i also use nailpolish to stop myself... it works!

May 1, 2012

Sherry W.

My boyfriend use to bite his nails, I just pointed it out every time to show him what he was doing and so he would stop. I also told him that he could mess up his nails by chewing to far down and that they might grow out wrong! I think that scared him and he stopped, but boys are easier to fool when It comes to stuff like that because they don't know any better. But hey, it worked for him!

I'd say make a habit of painting your nails so that way you won't want to ruin the polish, or if you do bite it just tastes nasty. I use to peel off my nail polish when I was bored/upset/nervous lol weird I know, but my bf would just tell me to stop that I was ruining my hard work (since i love painting them) and it got me to stop. Just tell yourself that you don't want to , I also think it is mind over matter. Just believe that you can stop doing it and maybe give yourself a reward or something. it's good to have your friends/family/bf remind you and help you.

May 13, 2012

meghan p.


May 15, 2012

Izabella U.

Dont worry.. i USED to bite my nails... like a week ago. then i got a nail polish that i loved! and use it all the time. so just find one you love and wear it!

Jul 4, 2012

Paola B.

Buy fake nails and apply them! It will stop you from biting an once you take them off you won't wanna bite them because they will be long and pretty and then start gettin regulat manicures. Getting in the habit of gettig a mani will help you stop biting.

Jul 4, 2012

Paola B.

Sorry for the typos ^__^

Jul 6, 2012

meghan p.

thank you guys 

Jul 8, 2012

meghan p.

does anyone have any opinions on the whichcraft nail hardener

Jul 9, 2012

Angela W.

Look here, lady... you're a young, beautiful and a fantastically unique human being. You are a perfect and special snowflake. I'm not just saying this- I know it to be true. We all are. And although I'm sure you've earned every ounce of earnst going on in your life, I also know you're ready to let it all go. So stop biting those nails. You have nothing to be nervous or insecure about. Worries? You don't get anywhere by worrying about things that haven't happened yet and it doesn't do anyone any good to obsess over things that have already happened. This is your one shot, don't waste it. Besides, time heals everything and luckily, time is on your side. Leaving bad habits behind is as easy as saying "that's not me anymore." Chose it. You deserve it.

Jul 15, 2012

meghan p.

omg thank you 

Jul 15, 2012

Magan R.

I bit my nails for 21 years and I found it easier for me to try and keep myself and my hands busy and to make a conscious effort that when I caught myself about to start biting my nails to stop I also got nail growth polish to help them grow

Jul 17, 2012

meghan p.

i bough witchcraft nail hardener it works wonders on helping them grow