Help! Dry skin:(


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Jun 23, 2013

Mariah W.

During the summer my face gets really dry but its mostly my nose. I'm not sunburnt but my nose keeps peeling! I use Cetaphil facial moisturizer. I normally use a tiny bit and My skin is fine but lately I've been using a lot on my nose and its still gets very oily and will start peeling again in an hour. I've also used exfoliating scrub on my nose but that didn't help anything. It's my nose that is the only problem. And I have been wearing sunscreen when I'm outside too.

Please help! If you know a good facial lotion or any home remedies that would stop the dryness please share!

I really like simples moisturising facial wash as I find it gives that extra boost without being ott. x

Jun 23, 2013

Becky G.

Don't worry girl! hopefully you can easily whip up this mask ^.^ && like it mariahh.

Jun 23, 2013

Becky G.

Or this one?? maybe (:

Jun 23, 2013

Danielle S.

Mix olive oil, honey, and a bit of water together and it'll help.

Jun 23, 2013

Danielle S.

Oh but make sure you rinse wekl.

Jun 23, 2013

Danielle S.
