Cleaned Some Of My Brushes And If Anyone Wants To Know How Read (:


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Jun 23, 2013

Antisar A.

What I did first was individually wash each brush with dishwashing soap. Than in a tupperware I had mixed already some water and dishwashing soap, some alcohol and purell and some coconut oil and olive oil, I threw the brushes in there for an hour, than rinsed them again than dried them with paper towels than placed them on a a paper towel to dry. Ikkkk a looot of work but they smell so good and are nice and clean and soft lol.

Jun 23, 2013

Rachel H.

I read somewhere not to actually soak brushes because it can disrupted the adhesive and cause bristles to fall out? Do you notice that happening at all? Not a rhetorical question, I can tell it kind of reads that way haha.

Jun 23, 2013

Antisar A.

Mine didn't at all as you can sorta tell. I think the coconut oil and the olive oil kept that from happening maybe.