Cut Crease tips!


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Jul 6, 2013

Brittany P.

Made several attempts, but I just don't feel that I am getting it clean enough or distinct enough. Any pointers or videos that helped you guys?

Jul 6, 2013

Courtney P.

Try using a similar colored eyeliner to draw out the cut crease. I find that really helps to make the line distinct.

What do you mean by clean? Like the crease needs to be more defined? Is color transferring to you lid? Is it the shape? Help help you walk through it.

I'll help you walk through it*

Jul 6, 2013

Anmol A.

Use a brush that's soft but thin, I use a thicker liner brush to create the cut crease! Make sure you keep your eye open and take the brush and move it in a windshield wiper motion back and forth. I usually start off with a little product then build it up to how dramatic I want it. Good Luck! :)

Jul 6, 2013

Anmol A.


I did a tutorial that I think will help you

Jul 7, 2013

Brittany P.

Sorry about the delay, @Diggie, the line never seems to look like a crease. more just like a new color, I guess not sharp enough. and thanks everyone! I'll give those videos a look!