Lost all my confidence, does anybody think I'm ok looking?


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Jul 7, 2013

Lorna P.

Hi everybody,

I'm having a bad time at the moment I feel like I've lost all my confidence and just keep looking at myself in the mirror and thinking what's the point in even trying to make myself look any better because it never works. Lately I've been really picking myself apart. I know I'm not particularly pretty but does anyone think I'm not too bad looking?


Jul 7, 2013

Nada A.

You are beautiful and I mean it.

Jul 7, 2013

Michelle B.

I think you're gorgeous.

Jul 7, 2013

Traci W.

That's jus part of being a woman having ups and downs you are beautiful...Try exercising and drinking water..get urself a good night of rest as well I'm sure you will feel better the next day..Or do a beauty regime:) take care of urself.

Jul 7, 2013

Shelley W.

Ok, the mom in me is going to come out. Stop with the pity party. You have beautiful hair, a gorgeous smile and vibrant eyes. Leave those Photoshopped beauty magazines alone. Stop comparing yourself to others because we are all made to be unique. World full of clones would just be boring. You are pretty and you need to stop listening to whatever negative junk is being fed to you because I have a feeling someone else is saying nonsense to you that has you feeling so down about yourself. I see beauty in front of me and its you. xoxo.

Jul 7, 2013

Stephanie M.

Everyone is their own worst critic. You're obviously an attractive woman. Try to focus on things you like about yourself. Play up your best features to draw attention to them. It's normal to have days where you feel "ugly" or "gross". Every woman feels this way sometimes, but that doesn't actually mean you're actually "ugly".. Confidence takes time to build, just focus on the positives.

Jul 7, 2013

Traci W.

Aww that was sooo nice Shelley!

Jul 7, 2013

Erica K.

You are very very seriously gorgeous. I wish I had that smile of yours 😍😍

Jul 7, 2013

CorCor C.

You look lovely to me :) be greatful for what you have 💋

Jul 7, 2013

Maria H.

You are so pretty! It's sometimes hard to see it when you see yourself every day but other people notice it more! It's like every girl no matter how beautiful they are never consider them self to be pretty, even though so many other people do. Stay positive it'll pay iff.

Jul 7, 2013

Traci L.

Your very pretty an when you look n a mirror you need to see that I'm not a size 6 and I don't give a dam I love me and I feel sexy almost everyday I do have my bad days lol,you need to jump out of bed in the morning an look at your reflection an learn to love what's looking back at you thank God for that pretty hair bueatiful smile an the other 100 great things about yourself

Jul 7, 2013

Helena B.

You are pretty..

Jul 7, 2013

Domenica C.

You are super pretty, don't let yourself down, love yourself or at least try, you are really gorgeous and I mean it. Look at that mirror again but look at it good and you'll find the beautiful you, learn to love yourself. And its okay to feel ugly SOMETIMES not all of the time thoe because that brings you really down. Maybe cuz of the stuff you're going through you feel like that. Feel better hun❤you are beautiful :)

Jul 7, 2013

Sabrina K.

Sweety you are so much more then okay! You are beautiful!! Don't tell your self otherwise, love your self and know that we all think your beautiful!!
(I know its hard, I get myself down over my looks all the time, but you really are just beautiful)

Jul 7, 2013

Shahin R.

Your beautiful and have a stunning smile. Be kinder to yourself hun xx

Jul 7, 2013

Chloe S.

Your beautiful and I love your smile!:) xxxx

Jul 7, 2013

Cherish L.

I completly agree with shelly w!

Jul 7, 2013

Claire P.

You're beautiful girl!! I hope you can get over your hard times soon so you can see how gorgeous you are! It's hard to not point out your flaws but you are seriously so pretty!

Jul 7, 2013

Jane C.

Get out and volunteer in some big or small way. You are beautiful oh the outside but it's also an inside job- I promise you will feel 100% better!

Jul 7, 2013

Tessa T.

You are absolutely gorgeous I would die for your skin so you should have 100% confidence I don't know who knocked you down but if its a guy knock him in the balls! Sorry I mean don't listen to whoever it is you are beautiful but truly the only one who can convince yourself is you! So take a look in the mirror without the thought of whatever they said and see your really lovely!

Jul 8, 2013

Teresa R.

Everyone has that moment of self doubt and we all suffer from insecurities every now and then but remember you have to love yourself before anyone else can love you. your beautiful. feel it from the inside ok.

Jul 8, 2013

Rebella A.

Woman you look awesome. Why are you feeling this way? I thought I wasn't pretty as well, but than I got out more often and found out it wasn't as bad as I thought it was, lol. Give other people honest compliment and you'll recieve honest ones in return. It makes them to really look at you and think about you.

Jul 8, 2013

Shaquenta S.

You are a very pretty person embrace tat n always think you the sh** even if nobodie else do. you know you look good so walk tlk n act like your are the sh**.

Jul 8, 2013

Mariam L.

You're so gorgeous Lorna. I think at some point we all feel down & think that we're not pretty enough. But you have to pick yourself up & always know that you're beautiful inside out. I used to be very hard on myself & I never thought I was pretty. Until one day I realized that life is too short to be so critical of yourself. I was tired of feeling down so I picked myself up & started to appreciate my flaws. Now I'm less critical of myself. Enjoy your beautiful life. Always smile because you're incredible! xo.

Jul 8, 2013

Stephanie M.

Omg you're gorgeous!!