Makeup photography Do's and Don'ts.


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Jul 5, 2013

Jennifer A.

Just wondering how you ladies take pictures of your makeup without the light reflecting off of it awkwardly. I seen to have to filter my pictures to make them not so shiny and I hate because I feel like that's cheating.

Jul 5, 2013

Rosie M.

Try taking the pics in natural light with the camera flash off?

Jul 5, 2013

Jennifer A.

Does natural light mean direct sunlight because when I did it still looked too sparkly.

Jul 5, 2013

Jennifer A.

I think I may just have a horrible camera.

Jul 6, 2013

Shelby S.

I noticed mine come out MUCH better when I take it in front of the bathroom window using natural light, turn off all other lights around yoi.

Jul 6, 2013

Shelby S.

Natural meaning no light bulbs. Mine did the same when I did it in direct sunlight. Try standing by an open window without direct sunlight.

Jul 6, 2013

Jennifer A.

Thanks a lot Shelby! I'll definitely try that tomorrow

I take pics with natiral lighting but when I upload them to my computer they come off a bit dull sometimes. So I go into my photo editing program (gimp, free) and a bit of contrast to my pictures.

Jul 7, 2013

Jennifer A.

That's what I've been noticing with mine. The colors don't look as vibrant as they do in person. I'll definitely download that one though. Thanks Pamela