Can People with Cool Colouring Wear Bright Red?


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Apr 8, 2012

Andrea S.

I have a really weird skintone - I have a yellow tone to my skin but cool colouring (blue veins, silver looks better on me than gold etc), plus my hair is white blonde(dyed) which adds to that. I saw a dress I liked that was red but I've heard that people with blonde hair+cool undertone especially can't pull off red. Do you guys think it'll look OK? I have a kind of gothic style and I just want a change from black LOL

Apr 8, 2012

Kat M.

I think you'll look amazing. You just have to pick the right shade of red. I have yellow undertones to my skin. I'm sort of olive complexion, and I always go for something with a blue undertone to balance me out.

google pictures of cameron diaz in red and try that shade out. 

Apr 8, 2012

April F.

I agree! A blue toned red will work well for you : )

Apr 9, 2012

Andrea S.

sadly I can't try it on; its an online store so I don't know what it looks like in person! the pictures look like this,

Apr 11, 2012

Anjum C.

Red looks lovely on pale people. Really pretty contrast. And, I'm pretty sure that if you have a yellow undertone *that's* what means that you have a warm skin tone. Peach is also warm and pink is cool. Beige is neutral. I think that you use those other tricks to figure out that, but I don't think that it declares it as much as the yellow.
I digress. Anyway, just go to Target or something and try on something that's the same color. Easy. But I don't think very many people at all have a problem with red. Maybe unless you have a very, very pink skin tone, but you don't, so it's okay. It doesn't all just have to do with your skin tone either. Theoretically, I should look good in orange, but I don't think I can pull it off at all. *End ramble.*

Been there. Done that.
Over and over again.

Yes! Do it!

Apr 17, 2012

Kinsey S.

I think it will look beautiful :)

Sep 23, 2013

Kelly R.

You sound quite similar to me, I did all the little tricks and keep coming up with cool as my undertone however my skin looks slightly yellow, I'm finding it very confusing haha anyway dress looks really cool, I hope it looks good x