Did I get ripped off?


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Jun 26, 2013

Emma T.

So today I went into the salon and was planning to get light blonde hair. The stylist basically told me that since my hair was a 3 she couldn't get it any lighter than around a 7 or 6. I said alright because I figured I'd get lighter with multiple sessions. She stripped the almost black color and it was like a orangey color and then she put a gloss in to make it more of a medium brown which it is. Anyways I'm not very happy and on top of that it cost $170. Did they rip me off? Thank you.

Jun 26, 2013

Emma F.

Yes! If your not top happy with the way it turned out and it was that expensive, they TOTALLY ripped you off. Did you sign a warranty? A woman at my salon was getting a strange hair dye and they made her sign a warrant in case things went wrong so she couldn't sue them. If not, I would go back and talk to the manager. If they are understanding and would like up keep customers coming back, they will do something for you.

Jun 26, 2013

Lily G.

I'd say sorry but yes the salon I go to charges 50$ for a cut dye and style I've been there once before and I'm going there again to get my auburn hair.

Jun 26, 2013

Roz X.

Well, I can't say ripped off because you paid after services, despite you hated it. I never leave the salon unhappy and you shouldn't either. The owner or manager normally handles issues such as displeasure and in reputable salons it's commonplace for them to offer to rectify an error...free of charge.
So was this an error? That depends: Did you discuss multiple sessions with your stylist to arrange a lightening schedule for the near future prior to her beginning to color your hair? Did she show you a sample of what color would be achieved with this process before you agreed to it? If so, did the color you leave with match the sample she showed you? These are important factions to consider.

As for the price? This should have been a relatively simple process; absurd considering she didn't do any color blocking, ombre or foils. 

Jun 26, 2013

Zandra R.

In my honest opinion, I don't think you got ripped off. she warned you that your color wasn't going to get very blonde on the first lighten. if you Want a nice blonde color it takes time and money.

Jun 26, 2013

Jackie R.

I think you should have asked her how much it would have cost before dying it. Secondly, you should've asked for an explanation on why it cost that much. One color usually cost around $50-$70 depending on where you go.

Jun 27, 2013

Megan S.

As a hairstylist this sounds like it was a corrective color which cost more because it was a double process since she had to bleach it out and the color over it. With your hair being so dark its hard to get a light blonde in one session without frying your hair. If you were ok with it there, what changed your mind? If its not light enough you could go back and have some blonde highlights put it.

Jun 27, 2013

Brittany O.

She was doing a colour correction on your hair basically, where I live for me to go from level 3 back to my natural level 7 is 250$. It's a very pricey process, you should go back and talk to them, and if they agree to fix it make sure you discuss the results you want and the time you would like them in

Jun 27, 2013

Emma T.

I should've asked but I assumed it would be around $70 because that's how much she regularly charges me for a color. Thank you ladies for your input.

Jun 27, 2013

Dina U.

Hi I'm a cosmetologist! Rozberry is right, never leave unhappy if you have the time to sit through another service. The color might not be what you wanted going in but it might be bc you're hair would have turned to mush if she took you to the blonde you were looking for. Go back and talk to your stylist about it. The price sounds like a little much for what you said she did so ask questions about it. Find a nice way to express feeling a little overcharged and under-delivered. I think if she added a few highlights you would feel happier about it and it hopefully wouldn't cause much damage.
Black is the worst color to get out, specially when you want to be a blonde, so I completely back your stylists decision to sway you into a brunette, I think the communication lacked in this service so talk it out with them as soon as you can.