Helmet Hair :/


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Jun 25, 2013

Eilish G.

I do horse riding and camoige. When I take my helmet off my hair is badly messed up. No matter what I do to it afterwards my hair's all over the place. Any tips on how to help prevent it and what to do afterwards?

Jun 25, 2013

Alisha Z.

French braid. And there's all different kind of braids you could try too.

Jun 25, 2013

Victoria A.

I ride horses too, and I always tie a bandana over my hair before putting on my helmet. I agree with Alisha on the braid as well.

Jun 26, 2013

Hannah K.

My sister is a horseback rider and she always does some sort of french braid (or two) and then tucks the ends under, and then puts two hair nets over it. I've never seen her hair budge! Hope I helped :)

Jun 26, 2013

Mya M.

I also have a horse!!(: I usually put my hair in a very low pony tail with tons of bobby pins and hairspray as soon as I put my horse away and take my helmet off I take the bobby pins out and just brush my hair down... Just from my experiences

Jun 26, 2013

Eilish G.

Ya thanks
I've been riding for years but with my new haircut its been like it
my pony pippa