Looking for Spot treatments.


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Jul 8, 2013

Katie K.

I get acne quite a bit and have a medication for a topical antibiotic from a dermatologist. However I do breakout sometimes although not as much as before and I am looking for a good spot treatment.

Jul 8, 2013

Tessandra R.

What type of skin do you have?

Jul 8, 2013

Katie K.

Combination mostly oily

Jul 8, 2013

Tessandra R.

I have combination sensitive, and I absolutely love using Simple products. They are a very good brand and have an 'anti-acne night cream' which works wonders for me, as well as 'dark spot removers (Toners)' that can help with any left over marks from the dreaded acne, and a face wash 'refreshing' that helps rejuvenate skin and helps with oily-ness. These products work wonders for me, and they helped ALOT with acne and oil. I hope this helped you!

Jul 8, 2013

Lexi P.

I love usin Burt's bees.

Jul 8, 2013

Kenzie L.

Lush makes a tea tree and witch hazel spot treatment. its a clear gel that can also be used to feather on top of more oily areas to help keep everything matt.

Jul 8, 2013

Kenzie L.

Its called grease lightning its about $13.

Jul 8, 2013

Katie K.

Thank you! I'm going to get that.

Jul 9, 2013

Bridget B.

I usually get like the 10% benzoyl peroxide treatment at like the drugstore.. Like from Neutrogena and clean and clean and clear... Ooo and the rapid clear thing by Neutrogena is good its in a tiny tube and it's orange.. Lol: )